
Search result for keyword "National Aquatic Resource Survey". 272 results found.

National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS)

The History of NARS The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) program is an EPA and State/Tribal effort to survey the condition of the nation’s waters. Initiated in 2005, these statistically-based surveys have begun to provide EPA, States, Tribes and others partners with information to provide nationally consistent reports on the condition of the nation’s waters, to identify national and regional water quality priorities and to evalua ... more.

National Aquatic Resource Surveys

The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) are collaborative programs between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), states and tribes that assess the quality of the nation's inland and coastal waters, providing vital data that can help guide conservation efforts on the landscape. CTIC works with EPA and its partners on technical training to carry out NARS assessments, and to promote conservation systems that help ... more.

Helpful Links

... Tillage Conservation Practices—Adoption Crop Residue Management (CRM) Survey Drainage Water Management Cover Crops Cover Crop Survey Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Demonstration Projects Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Grazing and Rangeland Hypoxia Know Your Watershed Leadership Mississippi River Basin Initiative (MRBI) No-Till National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS) National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Nutrient Management Operational Tillage Assessment System (OpTIS) Pasture Ridge Till Soil Health Strip Till Tours Training Water Quality Watershed Groups Watershed Implementation and Innovation Network (WIIN) Weed Management Wetlands

NARS Workshops

... event. Other experts were brought in on Wednesday to provide additional “one-on-one” assistance/training for the attendees CTIC awarded 15 travel scholarships for state & tribal participants to attend. An additional 17 people, (consisting of mostly EPA) attended the week long meetings, bringing the total attendance to 32. Workshop Agenda Evaluation Summary National Aquatic Resource Survey Training Improvement Workshop Dallas, TX- December 5-6, 2018 The workshop was to be held at the Region 6 EPA Office in Dallas TX. Due to the government declaring a day of mourning in observation of the passing of past President George Bush Sr., it was quickly moved to Wednesday’s meeting, refreshments and meals to a nearby hotel. No EPA folks were allowed to attend on that day ... more.

NARS National 2023

2023 NARS National Conference April 24-28th, 2023 CTICis cordinating theNational Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) National Workshop under a Cooperative Agreement with EPA’s NARS program. NARS is acollaborative program between EPA, states and tribes designed to assess the quality of the nation's coastal waters, lakes and reservoirs, rivers and streams, and wetlands using a statistical survey design. The workshop will cover topics relevant to all four waterbody types an ... more.

NARS National 2023

On April 24-28th, 2023,CTICis cordinating theNational Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) National Workshop under a Cooperative Agreement with EPA’s NARS program. NARS is acollaborative program between EPA, states and tribes designed to assess the quality of the nation's coastal waters, lakes and reservoirs, rivers and streams, and wetlands using a statistical survey design. The workshop coveredtopics relevant to all four waterbody types and the NA ... more.


... said Dave Gustafson, who is leading the development of the app. The project is being led by the Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment, which was awarded up to $35 million by USDA to conduct this new partnership pilot. In the Field With EPA CTIC waded right in on a pair of wetland projects funded under U.S. EPA's National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS) program. First, we visited Minnesota's Root River Watershed, where local conservation district staff, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and other stakeholders are engaged in an innovative One Watershed, One Plan program that coordinates watershed management and cleanup efforts. The Root River will be the focus of a story map that explores a wide range of watershed protection an ... more.

Nars National Info

National Aquatic Resource Surveys Workshop April 5-7, 2022 Agenda for the NARS National Workshop, HERE On April 5-7th, 2022 CTICcoordinated theNational Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) National Workshop under a Cooperative Agreement with EPA’s NARS program. NARS is acollaborative program between EPA, states and tribes designed ... more.

Session 1

... illnesses, including harmful algal blooms, through enhanced surveillance and reporting, increased education and outreach, and interagency collaboration with a variety of stakeholders. Dr. Peters received her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Michigan State University in 2006 and her Master in Public Health from the University of Minnesota in 2013. Video Length - 12:19 National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS): Findings and Applications on Algal Toxins and Pathogens Sarah Lehmann Speaker Bio Sarah Lehmann serves as Team Leader for the National Aquatic Resource Surveys in U.S. EPA’s Monitoring Branch. In this role, she provides leadership for each of the national surveys including lakes, rivers and streams, coastal waters, and wetlands. Prior to this, Sarah worked in EPA’s ... more.


... workshops and trainings around the world. CTIC works closely with federal and state agencies, conservation districts, and non-profits to ensure effective two-way communication. Current training programs include technical workshops for EPA staff and partners as well as sessions for crop consultants and other farm advisors. NARS Technical Training Workshops Working with US EPA on its National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS) program, CTIC provides leadership and technical support for State and Tribal Aquatic Resource Monitoring Technical Training Workshops, including 2 national programs and up to 10 aquatic-resource-specific trainings, between 2016 and 2020. The workshops enhance collaboration and communication among more than 800 attendees. Click here for information about the next NARS training workshop. ... more.

CTIC Helps EPA Organize Water Quality Workshop

CTIC has worked closely with U.S. EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW) to organize a national, invitation-only NARS (National Aquatic Resource Surveys) meeting for 125 water quality professionals. Participants from federal, state and tribal agencies, as well as contract partners, will attend. The NARS meeting, held in Denver March 25-29 in conjunction with the National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, will explore the direction of EPA's NARS protocols and data analysis systems. Dialogues among partners and EPA will help gu ... more.

CTIC project updates

... a first step, CTIC gathered with watershed leaders from across the country at five forums to learn from their experience—successful or otherwise—with diverse watershed management and communication strategies. The forums took place in North Carolina, Illinois, Washington, Vermont and Oklahoma. For more information, contact Chad Watts at National Aquatic Resource Surveys: CTIC is writing a series of articles profiling farmers who have improved habitat and reduced nutrient loading in surface waters. The articles will be designed for placement in agricultural publications, environmental media and local newspapers to highlight environmental improvements by farmers and to inspire others to protect water quality. We’re looking for examples of great on ... more.

CTIC project updates

... from across the country at five forums to learn from their experience—successful or otherwise—with diverse watershed management and communication strategies. Forums have already taken place in North Carolina, Illinois, Washington, and Vermont. Our fifth and last forum will take place in Oklahoma in early May. For more information, contact Chad Watts at National Aquatic Resource Surveys: CTIC is writing a series of articles profiling farmers who have improved habitat and reduced nutrient loading in surface waters. The articles will be designed for placement in agricultural publications, environmental media and local newspapers to highlight environmental improvements by farmers and to inspire others to protect water quality. We’re looking for examples of great on ... more.

CTIC project updates

... five forums to learn from their experience—successful or otherwise—with diverse watershed management and communication strategies. Our first forum will take place in North Carolina on January 30thfollowed by forums in Vermont, Oklahoma, Illinois and Washington over the next few months. Contact Tammy Taylor attaylor@ctic.orgfor more information. National Aquatic Resource Surveys: CTIC is writing a series of articles profiling farmers who have improved habitat and reduced nutrient loading in surface waters. The articles will be designed for placement in agricultural publications, environmental media and local newspapers to highlight environmental improvements by farmers and to inspire others to protect water quality. We’re looking for examples of great on ... more.

CTIC project updates

... country at five forums to learn from their experience—successful or otherwise—with diverse watershed management and communication strategies. Forums have already taken place in North Carolina, Illinois and Washington and two more are scheduled for Vermont and Oklahoma in the coming months. Contact Tammy Taylor attaylor@ctic.orgfor more information. National Aquatic Resource Surveys: CTIC is writing a series of articles profiling farmers who have improved habitat and reduced nutrient loading in surface waters. The articles will be designed for placement in agricultural publications, environmental media and local newspapers to highlight environmental improvements by farmers and to inspire others to protect water quality. We’re looking for examples of great on ... more.

CTIC Project Updates

... the country at five forums to learn from their experience-successful or otherwise-with diverse watershed management and communication strategies. Our first forum will take place in North Carolina on January 30thfollowed by forums in Vermont, Oklahoma, Illinois and Washington over the next few months. Contact Tammy Taylor at taylor@ctic.orgfor more information. National Aquatic Resource Surveys: CTIC is writing a series of articles profiling farmers who have improved habitat and reduced nutrient loading in surface waters. The articles will be designed for placement in agricultural publications, environmental media and local newspapers to highlight environmental improvements by farmers and to inspire others to protect water quality. We're looking for examples o ... more.

Whatcom County Dairy Farmers Tackle Water Quality Challenges

... cereal rye,” said Lenssen. “They grow well over the winter, take manure in the spring, and they’re good feed.” The Lenssens are not alone in their concern about water quality issues, said Dr. Steve Paulsen of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. Paulsen works on EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Survey (NARS), which assesses the quality of U.S. streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal waters. Paulsen noted that the 2016 NARS report shows 45 percent of America’s rivers and streams contain excess nutrients; in the Pacific Northwest, 31 percent of the rivers and streams are high in phosphorous and just 12 percent have excess nitrogen. Meanwhile, approximately 23 percent of the nation& ... more.

2016 Workshop

The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) Workshop was co-located witht the 10th National Monitoring Conference in Tampa, Florida. The dedicated NARS session was held on Friday, May 6, 2016 from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Tony Olsen presented and it was recorded as a webinar. View the agenda. Download a copy of the slides. (7.5 MB).

2012 Workshop

The objectives of the National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) Workshop and Training Sessions were to bring together EPA, State, Tribal and other partners working on water monitoring issues across waterbody types to: Discuss and share information on the national aquatic resource surveys and their relationship to other state/tribal programs. Provide technical training and tools so that States, Tribes and other partners can build their capacity ... more.

Ecological Challenges

... TMDLs (total maximum daily loads) in local waterways cover fecal coliform, ammonia-nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, chlorine and temperature. The presence of commercial shellfish beds not far from the mouth of the Nooksack River puts added pressure on farmers and shellfish harvesters to work together on water quality improvements. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) program found that 45% of America’s river and stream miles are impaired by excess nutrients and 23%—including 8% of the West’s river and stream length—exceed thresholds for enterocci, bacteria that include coliforms such as E. coli. Click here to read EPA’s 2016 report.

Links to the National Surveys

Links to the National Surveys The National Aquatic Resource Surveys The National Wetland Condition Assessment The National Coastal Condition Assessment The National Lakes Assessment The National Rivers and Streams Assessment Aquatic Resource Monitoring, EPA ORD Aquatic Resource Monitoring, EPA ORD This Web site provides information on monitoring of aquatic resources in the US, primarily focused on design and analysis of probability based survey ... more.


This national workshop will bring together EPA, State, Tribal and other partners working on water monitoring issues across waterbody types to discuss and share information on the national aquatic resource surveys and their relationship to other state/tribal programs, provide technical training and tools so that States, Tribes and other partners can build their capacity to implement aquatic resource surveys at multiple scales (data management, analysis, interpretation) and to rovide examples of how to use the aquatic resource survey methodology to inform state and tribal needs at multiple scales. &nbs ... more.


This national workshop will bring together EPA, State, Tribal and other partners working on water monitoring issues across waterbody types to discuss and share information on the national aquatic resource surveys and their relationship to other state/tribal programs, provide technical training and tools so that States, Tribes and other partners can build their capacity to implement aquatic resource surveys at multiple scales (data management, analysis, interpretation) and to rovide examples of how to use the aquatic resource survey methodology to inform state and tribal needs at multiple scales. &nbs ... more.


... among over 800 professional attendees. Using a national network of conservation and agricultural leaders, CTIC will assist EPA, states and tribes in strengthening partnerships with agricultural communities to address nonpoint source pollution. Partner U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Activities CTIC is forming an advisory committee consisting of National Aquatic Resource Survey experts and individuals from university, research, nonprofit organizations and EPA headquarters and regional offices. The advisory committee will assist in developing a survey requesting targeted audiences to rank technical and programmatic issues in order of greatest training needs. CTIC will use this information to develop topics for the national conference. CTIC is also working with EPA specia ... more.


For More Information Contact: Callie North, CTIC (; (317) 450-9137 Rob Myers, University of Missouri (; 573-882-1547 or Bethany Shively, ASTA (; (703) 837-8140 x332 NEW COVER CROP SURVEY DATA CHALLENGES ASSUMPTIONS National survey finds incentive payments boost cover crops, while 9 in 10 farmers intend to stick with cover crops after payments end (August 8, 2023)—A new national cover crop survey report released today challenges assumptions on the role of incentive payments in cover crop adoption. Incentives play a key role in getti ... more.

Survey Release 2020

... (812) 661-2407 Kaitlin Crawford, ASTA (571) 431-7331 NATIONAL FARMER SURVEY DOCUMENTS A WIDE RANGE OF COVER CROP BENEFITS AS ACREAGE CONTINUES TO EXPAND Despite the crippling rainfall that significantly delayed planting across much of the country in 2019, more than 90% of farmers participating in a national cover crop survey reported that cover crops allowed them to plant earlier or at the same time as non-cover-cropped fields. Among those who ... more.


Despite the crippling rainfall that significantly delayed planting across much of the country in 2019, more than 90% of farmers participating in a national cover crop survey reported that cover crops allowed them to plant earlier or at the same time as non-cover-cropped fields. Among those who had "planted green," seeding cash crops into growing cover crops, 54% said the practice helped them plant earlier than on other fields. Those findings were among several new insights from the 2019-2020 National Cover Crop Survey, conduct ... more.


... Callie North, CTIC (; (317) 450-9137 or Steve Werblow, (; (541) 951-4212 or Rob Myers, University of Missouri (; 573-882-1547 or Bethany Shively, ASTA (; (703) 837-8140 x332  CALLING ALL FARMERS: SHARE YOUR VIEWS ON COVER CROPS IN NATIONAL SURVEY BY SARE, CTIC AND ASTA A national survey launched today to gather insight from farmers who plant cover crops, as well as farmers who don't. Farmers are encouraged to access the National Cover Crop Survey online The anonymous survey typically takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your insight will help guide research, communications, se ... more.

Share Your Insight in SARE/CTIC/ASTA Cover Crop Survey

... is now open at The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Participants who complete the survey can enter a drawing for Visa gift cards worth up to $200. "Since 2012, the SARE/CTIC/ASTA Cover Crop Survey has provided very important perspective into why and how farmers use cover crops—or why some don't—and has helped guide resources in research, communications and policy around cover crops," said Mike Smith, project director for CTIC. "The Cover Crop Survey has been a key tool for farmer organizations, conservation and extension service personnel, seed companies and other agribusinesses, and it has even been cited in testimony to Congress. This is a great opportunity to hear farmers' voices on cover crops.&quo ... more.

National Crop Residue Management Survey

The National Crop Residue Management (CRM) Survey is the only survey in the U.S. to measure at the county level the type of tillage used by crop. Tillage methods tracked are: no-till, mulch-till, reduced-till, and conventional tillage. Click here to see the tillage definitions. Available Data Data is available online from 1989 to 2008. Some of the data can be accessed without a password (unsecured data) ... more.


... "Adding the perspective of the experts who advise farmers and gaining insight into the distribution channels for cover crop seed will expand the seed industry's ability to provide professionally produced seed by species, characteristics and volumes to meet market demand." Online Now Trusted advisors canclick here to take the 2024 CTIC/SARE/ASTA National Cover Crop Surveythrough Oct 31, 2024. Reports from previous CTIC/SARE/ASTA cover crop surveys are online

Cover Crop Survey

... Crop Survey Click here to open the report on insights from 795 farmers representing 49 states, including commodity crop, horticulture and livestock producers. The 2022-2023 survey introduced new questions on integrating livestock into cover crop systems, as well as growing cover crops for seed and participating in soil carbon programs. Findings in the seventh National Cover Crop Survey from CTIC, USDA-NIFA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) yielded new perspectives on planting green and challenged commonly held notions linking land ownership to cover crop adoption. In fact, slightly more cover crop users than non-users reported renting all of their farmland (14% of users vs. 10% of ... more.


The National Crop Residue Management Survey is a valuable tool that can be used to measure adoption of important soil-saving practices, demonstrate energy cost savings and monitor efforts to improve the environment. The Survey has been compiled and tracked by CTIC since 1982 and is the only survey in the U.S. to measure and track the type of tillage used by crop at the county level. Tillage methods tracked in ... more.


With expectations of continued travel restrictions late into 2021, CTIC is currently planning the Conservation in Action tour, which is likely to include recorded, live remote and in-person elements. We are working closely with the Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS) to continue linking the tour with the Sustainable Agriculture Conference a ... more.

2013-2014 Cover Crop Survey

Sustainable Agriculture Resaerch and Education (SARE) program and CTIC conducted a national survey of farmers to learn more about their use of cover crops. More than 1,900 farmers completed the survey, which was a follow-up to a smaller survey in 2012-2013 (see below). Results show a yield boost from the use of cover crops in corn and soybeans, data on the costs of seed and establishment, the challenges and benefits farmers expect from cover crops and insight into how farmers learn to m ... more.

2013-2014 Cover Crop Survey

Sustainable Agriculture Resaerch and Education (SARE) program and CTIC conducted a national survey of farmers to learn more about their use of cover crops. More than 1,900 farmers completed the survey, which was a follow-up to a smaller survey in 2012-2013 (see below). Results show a yield boost from the use of cover crops in corn and soybeans, data on the costs of seed and establishment, the challenges and benefits farmers expect from cover crops and insight into how farmers learn to m ... more.

Session 5

... to guide it from a small informal group to an influential network of over 400 members representing 60 agencies. Jay’s efforts to establish citizen science, innovation project competitions, and voluntary partnerships help EPA, State, Tribal and local environmental agencies prepare for the challenges of a rapidly-changing world. Previous positions at EPA include Director of the National Center for Environmental Innovation and Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, Economics and Innovation in the EPA Administrator’s Office. Video Length - 11:42 Citizen and Community Evolvement to Make a More Swimmable California Erick Burres Speaker Bio Erick Burres is a Senior Environmental Scientist Specialist with California’s State Wate ... more.

2020 Cover Crop Survey Invite

Hi - Thank you to the nearly 2,000 farmers who have already responded to the 2020 SARE/CTIC/ASTA Cover Crop Survey. The survey will close on Monday, April 13th. We plan post a report describing results at by early July. If you haven't already, please share your insight on cover crops, Your answers on previous surveys have helped scientists, conservation farming partners, crop consultants, policymakers and others understand how cover crops are us ... more.

Data on Conservation Practices

Since its inception, CTIC has been the go-to source for data on the adoption of conservation practices across the U.S. Though federal support of the popular crop residue management transect survey ended in 2004, scientists, policy makers and marketers have continued to tap CTIC's databases. Now, we're at the forefront of using remote sensing to bring back state, regional and national data on crop residue and cover crop management. Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) The Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) has been developed by Regrow, TNC, and CTIC as a method for the automated use of remote sensing (satellite-based) data to monitor conservation practices in agricultural systems, including various forms of reduced tillage and the planting of winter ... more.

Join SARE, CTIC and ASTA for a Discussion of the 2020 National Cover Crop Survey Data

... into "planting green" into living cover crops, using cover crops for weed control, and the impact of cover crops on cash crop planting dates during the wet spring of 2019. This year's survey included strings of questions for both commodity/row crop growers and producers of horticulture crops. On Wednesday, August 19 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern/9:00 a.m. Central, the data and 2020 National Cover Crop Survey report will be introduced to the press in a presentation and Q&A session. Click here to register for the press conference. The survey was created and funded by the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and American Seed Trade Association (ASTA). Representatives of all three groups will participate in ... more.

Session 4

... Aging, and Co-contamination with Gull Feces Jeff Soller Speaker Bio Mr. Jeffrey Soller is the Principal Scientist at Soller Environmental, LLC. He conducts microbial risk assessments, evaluates, interprets, and communicates water quality issues, and specializes in working at the interface of risk-based science and environmental policy. Mr. Soller has been a visiting scientist with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, and a Risk Policy Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He holds degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California, at Berkeley, His work is widely cited in the peer reviewed literature. Video Length - 11:30 MERA – an Integrated, Transdisciplinary Study o ... more.

2012-2013 Cover Crop Survey

... program and CTIC conducted the first cover crop user survey. More than 750 farmers from across the U.S. completed the survey, representing hundreds of thousands of acres of cover crops and drawing on cover cropping experience that goes back as far as 1948. The 2012 crop year was a challenging one in which to study yield impacts – much of the U.S. was impacted by drought, which pushed national per-acre corn production estimates down by 43.7 bushels, or 26.3%, and reduced soybean production by 8.1%, or 4.0 bushels per acre, based on early-season predictions from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. However, even in those conditions – or perhaps because of them – the survey revealed a positive impact of cover crops on yield. The results of the 2012-20 ... more.

National Aquatic Resources Workshops

In 2010, EPA granted funds to CTIC for five years to plan and facilitate aquatic resource monitoring training workshops for states, tribes and other stakeholders. Since then, CTIC has been awarded a grant to conduct these workshops until 2020. CTIC will continue to enhance collaboration, communication, coordination and technology transfer among the more than 800 professionals attending the workshops.

Ecocommerce: The Next Generation Ecoservice Market

... as described in EcoCommerce 101: The Emergence of an Invisible Hand to Sustain the Bio-Economy. The ecoccommerce process is significant, because it is more than a compilation or organization of ecoservice markets. It also provides the framework to build an ecological intelligence system, allowing the public arena of commerce to define sustainability. Jerry Hatfield, Director, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, wrote in the EcoCommerce 101: The Emergence of an Invisible Hand to Sustain the Bio-Economy foreword, "… this [intellectual framework] is a unique feature because what has been lacking in the discussions of ecosystems or their monetary value has been a framework from which the value could be evaluated.” He also says EcoCom ... more.

NARS Resources Online

In April, CTIC hosted the 2022 National Aquatic Resources Survey (NARS) National Workshop, a three-day event featuring speakers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, state environmental agencies, and partners from tribes and other entities. Dozens of presentations and breakout sessions are available free on CTIC's website. NARS is acollaborative program between EPA, states and tribes designed to assess t ... more.

2012-2013 Cover Crop Survey

... program and CTIC conducted the first cover crop user survey. More than 750 farmers from across the U.S. completed the survey, representing hundreds of thousands of acres of cover crops and drawing on cover cropping experience that goes back as far as 1948. The 2012 crop year was a challenging one in which to study yield impacts – much of the U.S. was impacted by drought, which pushed national per-acre corn production estimates down by 43.7 bushels, or 26.3%, and reduced soybean production by 8.1%, or 4.0 bushels per acre, based on early-season predictions from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. However, even in those conditions – or perhaps because of them – the survey revealed a positive impact of cover crops on yield.

Indiana Best Management Practices Survey

A partnership of organizations including Conservation Technology Information Center, the Indiana Soybean Alliance, and The Fertilizer Institute measured adoption of conservation practices on Indiana farms.The survey revealed reasons farm operators and landownersdo not adopt conservation practices. Building onthe success of the recentnational Best Management Practices (BMPs) Survey, thissurvey recorded the conservation efforts of Indiana farmers and identified how to assist farmers in choosing appropriate and profitable conservation practices.

Southern Plains Agricultural Resources Coalition (SPARC)

Southern Plains Agricultural Resources Coalition (SPARC) Established 2006 The Southern Plains Agricultural Resources Coalition will spark rural sustainability and profitability through greater use of no-till practices and conservation systems for producers, consumers, and communities by promotion of market based incentives, education, demonstration, participation, and research. Mission, Goals and Contact Information ... more.

Workshops planned for 2017 and 2018

Workshops planned for 2017 and 2018 National Aquatic Resources Workshop December 5-7, 2017 Silver Springs, MD Click here for more information. National Aquatic Resources Workshop will be held in conjunction with NWQMC Spring, 2018.

Cover Crop Survey

Cover crop Survey Click here to read the insight from nearly 1,200 commodity and horticultural crop farmers from across the country on why they do—or don't—use cover crops. Among the highlights of this year's survey results include data on the performance of cover crops during the extremely wet 2019 planting season, including effects on planting date and prevent plant claims, as well as ... more.


CTIC WRAPS UP ISDA BLUE CREEK PROJECT WITH INTERACTIVE TRAINING Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) staff learned how to enroll farmers into Field to Market's FieldPrint Calculator and help growers in the Blue Creek Watershed Project put the tool to use in measuring the environmental impacts of commodity crop production and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. CTIC staff—including Sue Tul ... more.

2019 Members

Our members renew again and again; they realize the many important benefits, directly and indirectly, of CTIC's work. They earn national recognition, and show the public their commitment to agricultural conservation. Many members partner on our projects, supporting CTIC with technical information and assistance. View our current CTIC members by selecting from the tabs below. Corporate Members Institutional Members Individual Members Gold Corporate Member Bayer CropScience www.bayercrops ... more.

Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Webinars

... Approaches for Decentralized Systems Management Program Elements and Implementation Options Entities Involved in Managing Wastewater Systems TWIST: The Wastewater Information System Tool View the December 7th presentations, Khalid Alvi and Juli Beth Hinds Questions & Answers Links Mentioned in the Presentation: EPA's Voluntary National Guidelines for the Management of Decentralized (Onsite and Cluster) Wastewater Systems TWIST (The Wastewater Information System Tool) December 14th: Integrated Water Resource Management Current Challenges in Water Resource Management Sustainability & the New Paradigm for Managing Water Resources Case Studies on Integrated Water Resource Management   ... more.

Upstream Heroes: CTIC Spreads Nutrient Management Success Stories from along the Mississippi River

... farmers who are creating win-win situations on their farms by using the right product, applying it at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place — and saving money." Current economic conditions combined with rising costs of fertilizers are causing farmers to closely reexamine what, when and how they apply nutrients. But beyond individual economic concerns are national and global concerns about agriculture's contribution to the Gulf of Mexico's oxygen-poor hypoxic zone. An overabundance of chemical nutrients is blamed for the zone's oxygen-depleting overgrowth of marine plant life, which impacts fish and other aquatic life. Despite their distance from the Gulf of Mexico, farming operations all along the Mississippi River are seen as contributo ... more.

2015-2016 Cover Crop Survey

Insight from 2,020 farmers from across the country found that the planted acreage of cover crops continued its steady rise - reaching an average of 298 acres per farm in 2015 and projected to grow to a mean of 339 acres in 2016. Those figures are more than double the acreage survey participants said they planted in 2011. After cover crops, corn yields rose an average 3.4 bushels per acre, or 1.9 percent, after cover crops, and soybean yields increased 1.5 bushels per acre, or 2.8 percent. Analysis of the survey data revealed that yield increases rose to 8.3 bushels per acre of corn after cover crops had been used for more than four years on a field. In soybeans, the aver ... more.

CTIC Data Survey

CTIC would like your feedback on this page. Take Survey

2016-2017 Cover Crop Survey

Click here to view the full report of the fifth annual cover crop survey. A big thank you to the USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (SARE) and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), with help from Penton Media through their Corn and Soybean Digest publication. For results from previous years, please see below. The fifth annual cover crop survey by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the Conservat ... more.

2014-2015 Cover Crop Survey

A survey of more than 1,200 farmers across the country revealed that cover crops boosted corn yields last year by a mean of 3.66 bushels per acre (2.1%) and increased soybeans by an average of 2.19 bushels per acre (4.2%)—the third year in a row a yield increase following cover crops was recorded by the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) Cover Crop Survey. Read the full report.

2015-2016 Cover Crop Survey

Insight from 2,020 farmers from across the country found that the planted acreage of cover crops continued its steady rise - reaching an average of 298 acres per farm in 2015 and projected to grow to a mean of 339 acres in 2016. Those figures are more than double the acreage survey participants said they planted in 2011. After cover crops, corn yields rose an average 3.4 bushels per acre, or 1.9 percent, after cover crops, and soybean yields increased 1.5 bushels per acre, or 2.8 percent. Analysis of the survey data revealed that yield increases rose to 8.3 bushels per acre of corn after cover crops had been used for more than four years on a field. In soybeans, the aver ... more.

2014-2015 Cover Crop Survey

A survey of more than 1,200 farmers across the country revealed that cover crops boosted corn yields last year by a mean of 3.66 bushels per acre (2.1%) and increased soybeans by an average of 2.19 bushels per acre (4.2%)—the third year in a row a yield increase following cover crops was recorded by the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) Cover Crop Survey.

Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS)

... and validated at the farm-field scale, the privacy of individual producers is fully protected by distributing only spatially-aggregated results – at the county and watershed (8-digit HUC) scale. CTIC has been the primary source of this type of conservation practice monitoring data for nearly 30 years. In partnership with USDA and many others, the CTIC curates and distributes the National Crop Residue Management (CRM) Survey, collected using validated transect methods – annually in most states from 1989 through 2004, and again in 2006 and 2008. OpTIS fills critical gaps on recent trends in conservation tillage practices, as well as tracking the adoption of winter cover crops. The data available using OpTIS are critically important for multiple public- and private-sector s ... more.

New PED Talks Series Digs Deep Into Soil Health

... identify gaps in research and adoption; develop strategies, networks and funding to address those gaps; and ensure beneficial impact of those investments to agriculture, the environment and society. About the Soil Health Partnership The Soil Health Partnership is a farmer-led initiative that fosters transformation in agriculture through improved soil health. Administered by the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the partnership has more than 220 working farms enrolled in 16 states. SHP’s mission is to utilize science and data to partner with farmers who are adopting conservation agricultural practices that improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the farm. For more information, visit About the Soil ... more.

New PED Talks Video Series Digs into Soil Health

... identify gaps in research and adoption; develop strategies, networks and funding to address those gaps; and ensure beneficial impact of those investments to agriculture, the environment and society. About the Soil Health Partnership The Soil Health Partnership is a farmer-led initiative that fosters transformation in agriculture through improved soil health. Administered by the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the partnership has more than 220 working farms enrolled in 16 states. SHP’s mission is to utilize science and data to partner with farmers who are adopting conservation agricultural practices that improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the farm. For more information, visit About the Soil ... more.


... activities include field tours, public meetings, email and website updates, news releases and more. On-farm demonstrations showcase the latest products, techniques, equipment and tools for resource conservation.With funding from USDA, CTIC will employ tile outlet monitoring to measure water quality. CTIC and Livingston SWCD partner with Argonne National Laboratories to study the growth and water quality effects of bio-energy crops in the Indian Creek watershed. Through a USDA Mississippi River Basin Initiative grant, USDA-NRCS and Livingston County SWCD provide financial assistance to farmers implementing best resource management practices. Every farmer in the watershed will be contacted to implement conservatio ... more.

John Deere Advances Stewardship in Agriculture

... schools and homes.” Deere also connects with other members of the agricultural sector through a collaborative effort called Field to Market: The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, which addresses how to meet the needs of a growing world population through sustainable agricultural practices. This group’s Environmental Indicators Report, which evaluated national-scale metrics over the past 20 years, indicates production agriculture has made improvements in sustainable production. And, the Fieldprint Calculator helps growers confidentially assess the efficiency of their operations and analyze the sustainability of their practices. “We are trying to take the initiative to define sustainability from an industry perspective, in relation to su ... more.

New CTIC Executive Director Mike Komp Takes the Helm

... geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, he most recently served as Technical Program Manager for Agricultural Technology at the Noble Research Institute. The role included collaborating with academic researchers, government agencies, farm groups, consumer products companies and others. His work experience with Noble Research Institute and with a contractor for the National Parks Service includes hands-on natural resource condition assessments in national parks and rangeland as well as program development and coalition building around agricultural technology. Komp, who holds master's degrees in geographic information science and business administration, says the information CTIC gathers and shares is increasingly vital not just within agriculture, b ... more.

New CTIC Executive Director Mike Komp Takes the Helm

... geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, he most recently served as Technical Program Manager for Agricultural Technology at the Noble Research Institute. The role included collaborating with academic researchers, government agencies, farm groups, consumer products companies and others. His work experience with Noble Research Institute and with a contractor for the National Parks Service includes hands-on natural resource condition assessments in national parks and rangeland as well as program development and coalition building around agricultural technology. Komp, who holds master's degrees in geographic information science and business administration, says the information CTIC gathers and shares is increasingly vital not just within agriculture, b ... more.

National Association of Conservation Districts

CTIC Institutional Member, the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), is the nonprofit organization that represents America’s 3,000 conservation districts and the 17,000 men and women who serve on their governing boards. Conservation districts are local units of government established under state law to carry out natural resource management programs at the local level. Districts work with millions of cooperating l ... more.


Ag Consultant Training in Systems that Protect Water Quality National Aquatic Resources Workshop National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI)Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) Cover Crop Surveys

Projects side column (Cover Crop)

Ag Consultant Training in Systems that Protect Water Quality National Aquatic Resources Workshop National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) Cover Crop Surveys

Projects submenu (optis)

Ag Consultant Training in Systems that Protect Water Quality National Aquatic Resources Workshop National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) Cover Crop Surveys

Projects side menu (NARS)

Ag Consultant Training in Systems that Protect Water Quality National Aquatic Resources Workshop National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI)Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) Cover Crop Surveys

Project side menu (Ag Consultant)

Ag Consultant Training in Systems that Protect Water Quality National Aquatic Resources Workshop National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) Cover Crop Surveys

Indian Creek Watershed Project

... in the watershed. A groundbreaking study by Purdue University researchers on the leadership techniques that contributed to the success of the project. Theextension bulletin by Sarah P. Church and Linda Stalker Prokopy was augmented by a pair of videos—with links here and here—on YouTube. Trials of perennial bioenergy crops, conducted in conjunction with the Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Michigan. The study explored the role of perennial bioenergy crops as rotation options for local farmers, nutrient removal by the alternative crops, and the use of the perennials in holistic management of the agricultural landscape. Demonstrations of key conservation practices and products, illustrating concepts such as nutrient use efficiency and the proper app ... more.


The 2013-2014 CTIC and SARE national survey of farmers has documented a yield boost from the use of cover crops in corn and soybeans, as well as a wide variety of other benefits.

OpTIS Data for Indiana Available; More States' Data Coming Soon

... testing and promotion of OpTIS. Dr. David Gustafson, OpTIS project director for CTIC, points out that the trove of tillage system data is a natural update to CTIC's role as the go-to source for information on tillage practices and crop residue management. "Starting in the 1980s, CTIC served as host for the National Crop Residue Management Survey database, which compiled residue management transect data collected by USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service personnel and conservation district staff in most states," says Gustafson. "That data for 1989 through 2004 are still available on our website, and still provide useful perspective for researchers studying the environmental impacts of conserva ... more.

May 1 and May 2, 2014

Cincinnati, Ohio This training was co-located with the National Water Quality Monitoring Council’s (NWQMC) Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 28-May 2. The R training was a one day, interactive session held on May 1 or May 2, 2014 and focused on the analysis of NARS data using the R computing language. Topics included: Data preparation: building a state-level dataset. How to compute population estimates of the ecological condition of aq ... more.

National Aquatic Resources Workshops

Livestock Waste Management June 2010

... Manure du jour episodes available with the 2010 Season II additions, and six more planned for the remainder of 2010, the webinar series has significantly enhanced access to the research and application of best management practices – both core and innovative – that are essential to working lands conservation. Modeled in the spirit of the outstanding webcasts sponsored by the National Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center, Penn State tailored its webinar series for Pennsylvania’s practitioners who work on the front line in support of conservation on working lands including the conservation districts, Pennsylvania’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, agricultural consultants, environmental and agricultural non-governmental organizations, state age ... more.

2016-2017 Cover Crop Survey

A big thank you to the USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (SARE) and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), with help from Penton Media through their Corn and Soybean Digest publication. For results from previous years, please see below. The fifth annual cover crop survey by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) draws on the insight of 2,102 farmers—88 percentof whom reported using cover crops and 12 percent who identified themselves as non-users—from across the U.S. Cereal rye remained the top choice of farmers for cover cropping, followed by oats and radish. S ... more.

2010 NLA Workshop

2010 NLA Workshop November 1-2, 2010 Oklahoma City, OK Draft Agenda November 1, 2010 1:00 - 1:30 pm 2012 NLA overview,Amina Pollard, EPA Each indicator group will have two hours to present their analysis of potential indicators for the 2012 lakes survey and discuss their thoughts with the steering committee. 1:30 - 3:30 pm Water Quality Indicators 3:30 - 5:30 pm Physical Habitat Indicators November 2, 2010 9:00 - 11:00 am Biological Indicators 11:00 - 12:30 pm Lunch (on own) 12:30 - 2:30 pm Recreational Indicators 2:30 - 4:00 pm ... more.


Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and the Howard G. Buffett Foundation want to learn more about producer cropping decisions. We invite producers to spend a few minutes answering two short surveys about their agricultural operations. Participants could win one of several prizes, including two $100 gift cards. You can double your chances of winning by completing both surveys. Please click here to take Cropping Decisions Survey #1 Please click here to take Cropping Decisions Survey #2 The answers provided in these surveys are held strictly confi ... more.


Click here to take the survey online for a chance to win a $100 gift card! Whether you plant them now, used to plant them or never tried… your insight is important. Your opinions will help guide policy, research and education on cover crops nationwide..

Take our SARE/CTIC Cover Crop Survey

Make a difference! Take our SARE/CTIC Cover Crop Survey and share your thoughts on cover crops. You’ll help guide cover crop research, and be eligible for a $100 gift card drawing!


CTIC celebrates International Year of Soils at 2015 Commodity Classic. Visit CTIC at Commodity Classic booth 918, where Karen Scanlon, CTIC executive director, and Chad Watts, CTIC project director, will discuss: Our multi-state project to document the agronomic and economic benefits of cover crops. The 2015 Conservation in Action Tour in Minnesota, which will feature innovative partnership ... more.

Anaerobic Digesters: A Community Approach

... sense than trucking it. But the farmer says, ‘I can’t afford to bury four miles of pipe to get rid of my manure.’ And right now, the benefits are not going to be for the farmers in the area, but for other entities.” The biggest challenge: funding There’s quite a bit of funding available to build anaerobic digesters, notes Gene DeMichele, director of the National Biosolids Project for the Water Environment Federation in Alexandria, Va. The problem is that the funds are targeted toward small, farm-scale projects, he says, missing the boat on more efficient community opportunities. “You can’t continue to give small amounts of money to each farmer and expect to get a sustainable manure management plan - it just doesn’t work that way ... more.

Feature Story June 2010

... planning and implementation, and research and technology transfer will define our success. The United States Department of Agriculture recently accepted proposals for the Mississippi River Basin Initiative grants program, an effort to focus $320 million, over the next four years, for nutrient best management practices in priority watersheds of the Mississippi River Basin. The International Fertilizer Industry Association, the International Plant Nutrition Institute and The Fertilizer Institute promote the 4 R stewardship concept: efficient nutrient management depends on applying nutrients from the Right source, at the Right time, in the Right place, and at the Right rate. The concept emphasizes managing all aspects of nutrient application, rather than just one piece. CTIC, Ag ... more.

Partners Contribution June 2010

Steve Robinson, President, National Association of Conservation Districts Photo courtesy of NACD. National Association of Conservation Districts By Steve Robinson, President Dear fellow conservationists, Greetings on behalf of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and our member conservation districts! NACD is the nonprofit organization that repres ... more.

CTIC Welcomes New Members

... Industries Inc. CTIC is excited to introduce Terra Industries Inc., as a new Premier Corporate Member. Headquartered in Sioux City, Iowa, Terra serves agriculture by providing farmers with nitrogen products that replenish the soil and are essential to plant growth. In fact, the company is the leading international producer of nitrogen products for agricultural, industrial and environmental markets. Terra owns and operates nitrogen manufacturing facilities in six North American locations and own 50 percent interest in joint ventures in the United Kingdom and The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Terra takes pride in protecting the land, air and water and having superior customer relations in th ... more.

OpTIS: Plot Study and Next Step

Indiana Pilot Study Ten years of tillage-transect data collected by the State of Indiana were used to verify the ability of OpTIS algorithms to automatically process publicly-available remote sensing data, in order to accurately characterize tillage practices and the presence of winter cover crops. View Resource Next Step Building on the success of the Indiana Pilot, CTIC is now again partnering with AGS to apply OpTIS across the entire US Corn Belt (Phase 1). Phase 2 will involve application of OpTIS to all US agricultural regions. View Resource

Putting Producers in the Driver's Seat

... and reduce nitrate loss to nearby waterways. Smart Drainage System™ Photo courtesy of Agri Drain Putting Producers in the Driver's Seat By Lisa Newby The public is becoming more aware of what agricultural producers have always known – the cornerstone of environmental conservation is good resource management, and working together is essential. The Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) realizes cooperation is critical to environmental success. ADMC members serve as a resource on the latest technologies in drainage water management systems. Together, they utilize a public/private approach to quantify the impact of drainage water management on many environmental and ... more.

Conservation In Action Tour 2011 Post-Tour News Release

... USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, demonstrated the ability of no-tilled soils to drastically reduce erosion by water and retain soluble phosphorus. The Blue Creek Conservation Area (BCCA) provided a historical setting for supper. Now a city-owned park, BCCA was once home to Native American tribes and later the Toledo House of Corrections. AgRobotics, AGROTAIN International, John Deere, The Mosaic Company, The Andersons and Specialty Fertilizer Products participated in the tour’s Conservation Technology Expo and talked one-on-one with tour attendees about their products that support conservation agriculture. The day ended with comments by U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur, who shared her love of the area and her commitment to conservation of the Maumee R ... more.

GLCCI Consultant Resource Page

GLCCI Consultant Resource page: This will be seen only by the GLCCI group. I think the easiest way to go from this page to the data base is a link. I will include other links on this page for the consultants also. Example links Farm Plan Project Brochure Project Logo Scheduled meetings Notes and Agendas

Leading the way

The Mosaic 2009 Sustainability Report focuses on six core principles, one of which is ensuring environmental stewardship for responsible land and natural resource use. Photo courtesy of CTIC Leading the way Mosaic Company is a pioneer of progression in agricultural sustainability By Christy Couch Lee Just five years ago, the Mosaic Company launched as the second-largest crop nutrition firm, when Cargill Crop Nutrition and IMC Global Inc, joined forces. Today, th ... more.

Research & Technology Briefs

Research & Technology Briefs What’s Your Fieldprint? Corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat growers now have access to a free, confidential online tool that will assess how some operational decisions affect natural resource conservation and sustainability. The Fieldprint Calculator, available at, provides an easy way to analyze and assess their current land use, energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emission, and soil loss. It also explores various scenarios that may help improve farm natural resource management and, ultimately, their operation efficiency and financial return. Click her ... more.

Field Days Featured Tools for Farm Profitability

... and potassium fertilization, water management, and weed and insect control for dry-seeded, delayed flood rice in Southeast Missouri. At both locations four pre-plant nitrogen rates (35, 70, 105, and 140 lbs nitrogen/acre) were compared to an untreated area. No additional nitrogen was applied. At both locations the following products were compared: urea, urea + Agrotain® (Agrotain, International, St Louis, Mo.), urea + NSN (NutriSphere-N™, Specialty Fertilizer Products, Belton, Mo.), and urea + Upgrade. At each location the nitrogen fertilizers will be applied seven days prior to flood establishment. At season’s end, researchers harvested each rice plot and measured the resulting yield. Dunn also discussed how producers could maximize yields and minimize fertilizer cost ... more.

Manure: What’s It Worth?

... manure isn’t easy. But understanding the variables and tuning into innovative tools can help. Photo courtesy of Steve Werblow Manure: What’s It Worth? by Steve Werblow Most farmers and agronomists agree that manure has enjoyed a change in status in recent years, from a waste material to a valuable resource. But the challenge remains in figuring out just how valuable that resource is. One example from Purdue University agronomist Brad Joern shows that there could be big money in a manure pit. Assuming commercial nitrogen is worth 35 cents per pound, 2.2 million gallons of liquid hog manure on an Indiana farm could yield about $27,000 in nitrogen, and an equal value of phosphorus and potassium. ... more.

CTIC Hires Catie Geib as New Soil Health Specialist in Wisconsin and Announces Cover Crop Webinar Series

... also include presentations from Jamie Johnson, a farmer from Frankfort, South Dakota and district director for the South Dakota Soybean Association, as well as CTIC Soil Health Specialists. This will be a webinar series, future webinars in this series will focus on specific aspects of cover crops in the region. Register for the webinar here. FSH is a collaboration between the National Corn Growers Association, the National Pork Board and the United Soybean Board. It is also supported by DTN, the American Soybean Association, National Association of Conservation Districts, the Soil Health Institute, The Sustainability Consortium, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, University of Missouri Center for Regenerative and the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s ATTRA ... more.


... is a powerful resource for grabbing a snapshot of land use practices or delving into trends. Check it out Become a Member By becoming a member of CTIC, you'll be connected to a world of people from government, academia, agribusiness, the supply chain, and the farm who are committed to practical, productive conservation farming systems. Join Today 2022-2023 National Cover Crop Survey Report Findings in the seventh National Cover Crop Survey from CTIC, USDA-NIFA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) yielded new perspectives on planting green and challenged commonly held notions linking land ownership to cover crop adoption. Learn more here. Learn More


... funded by a 2008 Conservation Innovation Grant, promotes the use of cover crops to ease farmers’ transition to use of continuous no-till. Continuous no-till (CNT) has been around long enough that there is little doubt among experts of its many advantages. Despite the proven economic and environmental benefits of CNT, some farmers remain hesitant to fully adopt the system. In 2004, the National Crop Residue Management survey indicated that only 22.6 percent of farmers were no-tilling. Attempting CNT without proper technical knowledge may cause a disastrous first year and taint opinions toward the practice. Potential economic risks and yield losses during the first five years also can cause farmers to resist CNT. However, if farmers can maintain a CNT system for three consecutive years, ... more.

Plus-UP News 4Rs Training Newsletter

... it from enlarging the harmful algal blooms (HABs) that plague Lake Erie. DRP also feeds plants, so every pound of DRP that leaves a field is depriving the crop of vital nutrients. By piloting PLUS-UP, we demonstrated that no-till and cover crops can significantly reduce the off-farm movement of DRP into surface waters. Judy Smith and Dr. Laura Johnson at Heidelberg University's National Water Quality Research Center demonstrated with their models that slope and soil type dramatically impact DRP loss from a field—a vital insight that can help us target DRP credits and BMP (best management practice) efforts where they can do the most good. Through PLUS-UP, we also demonstrated that a phosphorus trading program with supply chain support—in the case of our p ... more.

Know Your Watershed Resources

Know Your Watershed is a coordinated national effort to encourage the formation of local, voluntary watershed partnerships and help assure that these partnerships successfully attain their goals. The initiative is sponsored by more than 70 diverse National Partners representing private and public corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Each National Partner agrees to provide financial and/or in-kind support. The nati ... more.

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

CTIC Institutional Bronze Member, the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC), has been the voice of America's farmer cooperatives since 1929. The members are regional and national farmer cooperatives, which are in turn comprised of nearly 3,000 local farmer cooperatives across the country. To learn more about the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, visit


Know Your Watershed is a coordinated national effort to encourage the formation of local, voluntary watershed partnerships and help assure that these partnerships successfully attain their goals. The initiative is sponsored by more than 70 diverse National Partners representing private and public corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Each National Partner agrees to provide financial and/or in-kind support. The nati ... more.

CIA Tour Promo 2010

The Hula Family of Renwood Farms, winners of multiple National Corn Yield Contests, proves that profitability and conservation go hand in hand. See their operation up close on CTIC's Conservation In Action Tour 2010. Photo courtesy of Colonial SWCD Conservation In Action Tour 2010 Register Today for August 3 Event Sponsor CTIC's Marquee Event, the Conser ... more.

Integrated Manure Management: Good Neighbors, Good Business

Mike Beard and his family have built a national reputation as top managers of feed, water and manure on their 15,000-head hog operation in Indiana. Photo courtesy of Steve Werblow Integrated Manure Management: Good Neighbors, Good Business by Steve Werblow There aren’t many 15,000-head hog operations that open their doors to ... more.

Who We Are

... in 1982 to support the widespread use of economically and environmentally beneficial agricultural systems. Members of CTIC, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, include farmers, policy makers, regulators, academic researchers, agribusiness leaders, conservation group personnel, farm media, and others. The organization is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and other public entities. It is our mission to champion, promote and provide information on climate smart technologies and sustainable agricultural systems that conserve and enhance soil, water, air and wildlife resources and are productive and profitable.

CTIC is doing the math on cover crops. You can, too.

... and help us learn how farmers can support pollinator health without sacrificing profitability. This project is funded by a Conservation Innovation Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service and by several partnering organizations. Partners include: Bayer CropScience, Corn & Soybean Digest, CropLife Foundation, Dupont Pioneer, Monsanto, National Corn Growers Association, The Nature Conservancy, Purdue University, and Syngenta. Join Our Cover Crops Mailing List Sign up below to receive updates on CTIC cover crop projects and events, including the CIG project "Economic, Agronomic and Environmental Benefits of Cover Crops." Mailing List Sign Up Form CTIC’s Cover Crops Project Are you interested in bein ... more.


... producers who attended workshops to help the write a plan and succesfully incorporate these practices into their operations. CTIC will facilitate social support networks through an email list serve. Regular posts will address cover crop and conservation tillage topics, provide seasonal tips, answer questions and facilitate dialogue. Fifteen participating producers will attend the National No-Till Conference in 2013 to network with and learn from other producers who use cover crops. Producer experience with cover crops and conservation tillage shared through the web site and published articles will offer support and information for producers contemplating adoption of the practices. For More Information Contact Chad Watts, CTIC Project Director, at Tel: (5 ... more.

Success Story June 2010

... and with proper management won’t inhibit yields on various crop production systems, including no-till and organic farming. At a recent Cover Crops Workshop in Jefferson, Iowa, dozens gathered to discuss and learn more about the many benefits and varieties of cover crops, and ways to successfully plant and manage them. Research by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE) shows cover crops planted in the fall between harvest and planting of spring crops help reduce soil erosion, limit nitrogen leaching, suppress weeds, increase soil organic matter and improve overall soil quality. Small grain cover crops increase surface cover, anchor corn and soybean residues, and increase water infiltration. Several cover cro ... more.

Research and Technology Briefs

Research & Technology Briefs U.S. Commerce Department establishes NOAA Climate Service The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched the NOAA Climate Service at Individuals and decision-makers across widely diverse sectors – from agriculture to energy to transportation – increasingly rely on NOAA for information about climate change. To meet these requests, the NOAA Climate Service office has been established to bring together the ag ... more.

Cover Crops - An Essential Tool for Sustainable Cropping Sys

... availability to the crop Reduce nitrate leaching to groundwater Supply nitrogen to following crop Suppress weeds, potential reducing the need for herbicides Suppress soil-born diseases and nematodes, potentially reducing the need for insecticides Attract beneficial insects such as pollinators Increase yields of the following crop Improve soil quality Cropping Decisions Survey Summary with Howard G Buffet Foundation and CTIC.


... CVN kickoff workshop Creating the database Launching a webpage to enroll farmers On August 25, 2021, CTIC hosted the CVN Kickoff Workshop at the Purdue Research Park. Approximately 40 participants joined either in-person or through Zoom, with morning presentations from CTIC, the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), Regrow Ag, Indigo, Iowa State, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and OpenTEAM. During the afternoon session, the project partners (CTIC, Arvaand Corteva) presented the initial CVN database design for feedback. “We were greatly encouraged by the strong level of interest and spirit of collaboration experienced by the 40 participants in the CVN Kickoff Workshop," says Dave Gustafson, CTIC Project Director for CVN. "It was ... more.


A fact sheet written by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ecologist Clint Otto used data from the Bee Integrated program, led by the Honey Bee Health Coalition and implemented by CTIC, to help detail which flower species are preferred by bees in the Prairie Pothole region. According to data from 244 sites in Minnesota and the Dakotas studied over five years, the top draws for both honey bees and native bee species include lacy phac ... more.

Water Quality Monitoring Program

... Hydrolab probe was also used to gather dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, and conductivity data during each visit. Since July 2011, all parameters were sampled monthly through March 2012, when weekly sampling will began again. This sampling occurs at four sites located along Indian Creek and on one tributary. Water quality sampling station locations. US Geological Survey, with financial support from IEPA, installed a stream gage to monitor flow. In September 2011, the nitrate probe was installed. Flow and nitrate data will be taken in real-time every 15 minutes. View the real time data. The gage and probe will collect data through July 2013. For more information contact Trevor Sample. Water Quality Monitoring at Tile Outlets ... more.

Countdown Underway to the Launch of OpTIS Data

April marks the launch of the first data set from the Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS), which combines satellite sensing technology with sophisticated modeling to map the adoption of conservation practices on the landscape. The 21st century heir to CTIC's long-time Crop Residue Management (CRM) Survey, OpTIS will provide comprehensive maps of crop residue management practices and cover crops down to the HUC8 scale. Annual maps and data—with the capability of tracking practices longitudinally over time—will be invaluable to researchers analyzing carbon sequestration, soil erosion, water quality and soil health. Policy makers can use OpTIS data to study the adoption of conserv ... more.

Cover Crops - An Essential Tool for Sustainable Cropping Sys

... nutrient availability to the crop Reduce nitrate leaching to groundwater Supply nitrogen to following crop Suppress weeds, potential reducing the need for herbicides Suppress soil-born diseases and nematodes, potentially reducing the need for insecticides Attract beneficial insects such as pollinators Increase yields of the following crop Improve soil quality Cropping Decisions Survey Summary with Howard G Buffet Foundation and CTIC.

…and looking forward to 2018!

... to downstream partners and how farming more sustainably can have a positive impact on the farmer’s bottom line. Working with partners to implement a remote sensing project that can help to estimate crop residue amounts and cover crop acreage using satellite photos and publically available data.This is the next generation of our traditional Crop Residue Management (CRM) survey. Working with beekeepers and farmers to improve pollinator habitat options and overall pollinator health by using best practices on the farms and in the hives.

Reflecting on 2017

... conservation agriculture. Thank you to everyone who attended from near and far and who helped support the tour. We continued to provide technical and educational support across the country through workshops and meetings that brought together farmers, researchers, regulators and policymakers. We continued to curate information and track trends in conservation agriculture through projects and surveys, such as our annual cover crop survey and our Let's Do the Math: Economic, Agronomic and Environmental Benefits of Cover Crops project.

...and looking forward to 2018!

... commodities to downstream partners and how farming more sustainably can have a positive impact on the farmer’s bottom line. Working with partners to implement a remote sensing project that can help to estimate crop residue amounts and cover crop acreage using satellite photos and publically available data. This is the next generation of our traditional Crop Residue Management (CRM) survey. Working with beekeepers and farmers to improve pollinator habitat options and overall pollinator health by using best practices on the farms and in the hives.

Reflecting on 2017...

... conservation agriculture. Thank you to everyone who attended from near and far and who helped support the tour. We continued to provide technical and educational support across the country through workshops and meetings that brought together farmers, researchers, regulators and policymakers. We continued to curate information and track trends in conservation agriculture through projects and surveys, such as our annual cover crop survey and our Let's Do the Math: Economic, Agronomic and Environmental Benefits of Cover Crops project.

CTIC Exhibits at Ag Media Summit

... Farmer, Prairie Farmer and more stopped by to visit and learn more about our current projects as well as our upcoming anniversary celebration. CTIC members also exhibiting at InfoExpo proudly joined in celebrating our 30th year by displaying the CTIC logo at their booth. Thanks, Members! Many visitors to CTIC's booth completed a short survey for a chance to win a Kindle Fire and to take home a gift bag full of goodies. Our special edition note cards - featuring conservation photos from reknown ag photojournalist Harlen Persinger - were a big hit!

CTIC Commemorates 30 Years at SWCS Annual Meeting

CTIC took a party theme to the 67th International Annual Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, titled "Choosing Conservation: Considering Ecology, Economics and Ethics," held July 22-25 in Fort Worth, Texas. Our exhibit stood out with balloons and festive gift bags to celebrate our 30 years of service to agriculture. Karen Scanlon, CTIC executive director, and Chad Watt ... more.

30th Anniversary Member Spotlight

... grow the food the world needs. INSTITUTIONAL The Fertilizer Institute, Gold Institutional Member, sponsors our 30th Anniversary, Tier 1 of Indian Creek as well as a tile monitoring station, the Conservation in Action Tour since 2009, the 2008 Commodity Classic 2008 giveaway and the Nutrient BMP survey. TFI is the leading voice in the fertilizer industry, representing the public policy, communication and statistical needs of producers, manufacturers, retailers and transporters of fertilizer. INDIVIDUAL Joe Glassmeyer We thank individual member Joe Glassmeyer for his long-standing membership and participation in ... more.


... unframed treatments that mention potential offset opportunities. Partner Purdue University Activities This project uses interviews and a survey to learn from farmers about their willingness to adopt offset-eligible practices. Those interested in learning more about the adoption of conservation tillage systems were provided with a sheet comparing conservation tillage systems and resources for further information. In addition, CTIC can provide interested farms with information about conservation tillage and related management practices that make conservation systems successful, including referral to a local tillage expert in their area. For More Information Click here to view helpful resources concerning conservation tillage systems. View references of Understand ... more.

Gold Corporate Benefits

... Silver level * Ad space in two issues of Partners magazine ($600 value) * Recognition at two CTIC event during your annual membership term * Two complimentary registrations to CTIC’s Conservation In Action Tour * Recognition on CTIC’s Website * One-year subscription to Partners magazine and Member Mail e-newsletter * Access to Crop Residue Management Survey data from 1989 to 2004 through CTIC Website

Board of Directors

... and help us navigate the ever-evolving landscape of conservation technology and agriculture. Learn more about our accomplished Board of Directors and their contributions to advancing sustainable practices, promoting innovation, and making a positive impact on our environment. Adam Herges - Chair The Mosaic Company Tim Palmer- Vice Chair National Association of Conservation Districts Kellis Moss- Treasurer Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Mark Schmidt- Past Chair North Carolina State University Hunter Carpenter Agricultural Retailers Association Patricia Rice BASF Brooks Coetzee Corteva Agriscience Katie Stump CropLife ... more.

Farmers for Soil Health - ORIGINAL

Welcome to CTIC's Farmers for Soil Health Program At the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), we are proud partners in the Farmers for Soil Health program, a collaborative effort initiated by the National Corn Growers Association, United Soybean Board, and the National Pork Board. Our mission is to drive positive change in agriculture, one field at a time. About Farmers for Soil Health Farmers for Soil Health (FSH) is a farmer-driven sustainability program designed to enhance soil health and promote the adoption of cover crops. With a bold vision of expanding cover crops to 30 million acres ... more.

What’s happening at CTIC?

... IH Cotton Incorporated CropLife America David Muth Dr. E.J. Dunphy Eco Agro Resources Field to Market Grassland Oregon Illinois Corn Growers Association Indiana Corn Marketing Council Indiana Soybean Alliance Innovation Center for U.S.Dairy Iowa Farm Bureau Federation IPNI James Lake John Deere Joseph Glassmeyer Land Pro LLC Larry Heatherly Michael Adsit Monsanto National Association of Conservation Districts National Corn Growers Association National Council of Farmer Cooperatives No-Till Farmer Scott Fritz Soil & Water Conservation Society Steve Bruere The Fertilizer Institute The Nature Conservancy Timothy Healey Truax Company, Inc. To renew, please email Crystal Hatfield at or call 765-494-9555.

National Pork Board

CTIC Institutional Member, the National Pork Board, has a mission to provide the scientific support for identifying and addressing issues affecting the health, safety and quality of the pork industry’s animals, products or people. Broad areas of responsibility include pork quality, environment, food safety, swine health, animal welfare and producer health and safety. To learn more about the National Pork Board, visit www.po ... more.

National Corn Growers Association

CTIC Institutional Member, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), is the largest trade organization in the United States representing corn growers. Since its inception the NCGA has successfully represented corn growers, throughout the entire corn industry, the U.S. government, and consumers and throughout the world. To learn more about the National Corn Growers Association, visit

National Farmers Union

CTIC Institutional Bronze Member, the National Farmers Union, was founded in 1902 in Point, Texas, to help the family farmer address profitability issues and monopolistic practices. NFU has been working since 1902 to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities through advocating grassroots-driven policy positions adopted by its membership. To learn more about t ... more.

Member Recognition June 2010

... structure that allows members to receive additional value and recognition for their support of comprehensive conservation and sustainable agricultural systems. With additional membership dues above the basic level in each membership category, members achieve medal status of Gold, Silver or Bronze. The additional support provided by our Medal Members enables CTIC to enhance our regional and national projects, to explore new partnership opportunities and to bring national recognition to public and private efforts to advance conservation agriculture. CTIC is proud to recognize the 2010 Medal Members on this page, at CTIC regional and national events, at CTIC Board of Directors meetings and in other ways. To learn more about CTIC membership and medal levels, click here. GOLD ... more.


CTIC News New CTIC Board of Directors Announced CTIC elected its 2010-2011 Board of Directors at the 2010 CTIC Winter Board Meeting, held Feb. 3 in Orlando, Fla. Serving as 2010-2011 officers: Timothy J. Healey, Agrotain International, Chair; Harold Reetz, Foundation for Agronomic Research, First Vice Chair; Charlie Schafer, Agri Drain Corporation, Second Vice Chair; Rex Martin, Syngenta America, Treasurer; Karen Scanlon, CTIC, Secretary; Chris Foster, John Deere, Past Chair. Serving as 2010-2011 directors: Neil E. Caskey, Osborn & Barr Communications; Larry Clemens, The Nature Conservancy; Dave Gustafson, Monsanto; Bill H ... more.

Thank You CTIC Medal Member

... Medal Membership allows members to receive added value and recognition for their support of comprehensive conservation and sustainable agricultural systems. With additional membership dues above the basic level in each membership category, members achieve medal status of Gold, Silver or Bronze. The support provided by Medal Members enables CTIC to enhance regional and national projects, to explore new partnership opportunities and to gain national recognition. CTIC recognizes Medal Members through Partners magazine, at CTIC regional and national events, at CTIC Board of Directors meetings and elsewhere. To learn more about CTIC membership and medal levels, click here.

Thank you CTIC Medal Members

... structure that allows members to receive additional value and recognition for their support of comprehensive conservation and sustainable agricultural systems. With additional membership dues above the basic level in each membership category, members achieve medal status of Gold, Silver or Bronze. The additional support provided by our Medal Members enables CTIC to enhance our regional and national projects, to explore new partnership opportunities and to bring national recognition to public and private efforts to advance conservation agriculture. CTIC is proud to recognize the 2009 Medal Members on this page, at CTIC regional and national events, at CTIC Board of Directors meetings and in other ways. To learn more about CTIC membership and medal levels, click here. GOLD Corporate ... more.

CTIC Staff

... Wisconsin where her love for the land began with a childhood filled with time spent outdoors hiking, camping, and kayaking. She went on to get a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. In August 2024, Teagan joined the CTIC as the Wisconsin Soil Health Specialist for the Farmers for Soil Health Program. Previously, she worked as a Resource Conservationist for a Soil and Water Conservation District in northern Illinois where she developed a passion for soil health and working with farmers. She now resides in Milwaukee with her partner and two cats. In her free time she enjoys gardening, baking, knitting, and spending time with friends and family. Dan Coffman MN Soil Health Specialist Dan was born and raised in ... more.

OpTIS Webinars

Hosted by CTIC OpTIS 4.0: New National Baseline Data for Climate Smart Ag September 27, 2023 Description: Featured speakers: Allison Thomson (Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research) Rob Manes (The Nature Conservancy) Soren Rundquist (Regrow Ag) Debbie Reed (Ecosystem Services Market Consortium) Dave Gustafson (Conservation Technology Information Center) OpTIS 3.0: Unlocking Water Q ... more.

Connecting People

... with extension agents. Events were held in 2019 and 2020. Watershed Leadership Forums A series of forums gathering leaders of watershed projects from around the country yielded a treasure trove of best practices for both conservation and leadership. Conservation in Action Tours For more than a decade, CTIC has organized annual summer tours that provide perspective on regional resource challenges and a close-up look at innovative conservation practices. In addition to technical insight and dozens of outstanding speakers, every Conservation in Action Tour provides some of the best networking in the conservation agriculture space, bringing together a wide range of people to share the experience—and their perspectives.


THIS IS THE PERFECT YEAR TO BE PART OF CTIC 2022 is the perfect time to join CTIC- join CTIC as a member as we celebrate our 40th anniversary and hostour annual tour. YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN CTIC SUPPORTS: • Innovations in tracking the adoption of conservation on the ground...from field-level validation to online surveys to remote sensing • Demonstrations of conservation systems • Education on everything from cover crop establishment to cutting-edge tools and models • Training for farmers, CCAs and retail agronomists, conservation agency staff, federal staffers and more • Ongoing dialogues with policymakers and regulators​ •Innovations like the new PLUS-UP stimulus ... more.

Maumee and Sandusky Basins Water Quality Project Receives EPA Great Lakes Grant

... test ESMC's program in the Great Lakes," said Debbie Reed, Executive Director of ESMC. "We will work with our members from across the agricultural supply chain and with local experts to test the generation and sale of water quality credits from our outcomes-based program, and to reward farmers for their stewardship. ESMC's program focuses on agriculture as a solution to natural resource needs of society at local and regional levels, and this grant is our first opportunity to operate our program in the Great Lakes region." The GLRI project launches will conclude on December 31, 2022.

CTIC Hosts Ag Consultants Training at Iowa Agribusiness Showcase

... help them find ways to work conservation systems into their own business plans," he adds. Speakers at the Des Moines training included: Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, who welcomed the group Jason Gomes, CCA, of North Iowa Agronomy Partners, exploring the role of crop advisers in conservation planning Greg Wandrey of The Nature Conservancy, outlining training resources offered by the 4R Plus program Robert Mier, resource conservationist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, detailing conservation incentive programs in Iowa Keegan Kult of the Ag Drainage Management Coalition, describing conservation practices and programs for tile drained landscapes Tim Recker of the Iowa Land Improvement Contractors Association, detailing constructed pract ... more.

Sidedress Phosphorus + MicroEssentials

... Two thirds of the acreage is devoted to continuous corn with one third in a corn/soybean rotation. Minimum tillage practices are used to leave at least 30% residue on the soil surface. Nitrogen is applied after the corn has emerged, and when the plant needs are the greatest, to minimize loss of nitrogen through leaching. Currently there are three test plots on the Steffen farm. Resource: Steffen Corn on Corn No-till Mosaic Microssentials® MESZ Right Source Match fertilizer type to crop needs Select appropriate nutrient sources for cropping system Test soils Consider N, P, K secondary and micronutrient Consider enhanced efficiency fertilizers Plan nutrient regimen Right Time Make nutrie ... more.


... probably due to ESN®’s ability to slowly release nitrogen to the crop and continue providing yield-increasing nitrogen throughout the growing season. Take Home Lessons: ESN® showed higher yield over spring urea. MERN rate was higher with ESN® than urea. Using ESN® in combination with other nitrogen sources or as split application may yield even more. Resource: Harms Corn After Soybeans NUE Timing.

Webinar: Engaging Non-operator Landowners in Conservation

PowerPoint slides from Jamie Ridgely, chief operating officer of Agren, Inc. and presenter of Aug. 29 WIIN webinar on "Engaging Non-operator Landowners in Conservation." Resource: Engaging Absentee Landowners in Conservation


Click on the resource images or title below to download the file. OpTIS ExampleData (PDF) OpTIS Info Card (PDF)


... U.S. growers planted insect-resistant cotton and corn varieties Reductions in soil loss of 90 percent or more, and reduced movement of phosphorus by more than 70 percent where no-till is used The capture of billions of pounds of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in conservation-tilled soils across the U.S. Through this endeavor, CTIC produced a comprehensive resource on the links etwen biotechnology and conservation agriculture and successfully distributed the paper's findings and statistics to media, opinion leaders and representatives of agriculture. Project Partner United Soybean Board Activities The new publication was announced March 2010 at the Commodity Classic, where the authors were interviewed by numerous ag media- Cor ... more.


In our latest video, an FFA member illustrates the importance of taking care of the land.

The Mosaic Company

... science-based work with farmers and partners to improve water quality in three key agricultural watersheds in the Upper Mississippi River Basin – Minnesota’s Root River, Iowa’s Boone River and Illinois’ Mackinaw River.Additionally, The Mosaic Company supports theFlorida Farm Bureau’s CARES program, which recognizes superior natural resource conservation by agricultural producers.Since its inception in 2001, more than 550 agriculturists statewide have received the CARES award. The program relies on the voluntary action by farmers and ranchers to implement Best Management Practices in their farming operations. Mosaic also has supported conservation agriculture in its work with CTIC. The company has been the ... more.


Take a tour of the new WIIN, an innovative website for watershed project managers in the Mississippi River Basin. The Great Rivers & Upstream Heroes Watershed Implementation & Innovation Network (WIIN) is an online resource for sharing detailed information about watershed projects throughout the Basin, including data and lessons learned.


... the watershed’s 160 farmers are on the CTIC-facilitated Indian Creek Watershed Project advisory board. That dramatic level of involvement was the subject of the webinar that launched the Great Rivers/Upstream Heroes Watershed Implementation and Innovation Network (WIIN). Tune in early in 2013 for the official launch of the WIIN website, an online learning and brainstorming resource for watershed project managers throughout the Mississippi River Basin.

John Deere

Safeguarding the environment is nothing new to John Deere - being green is in our blood. We know that responsible resource management is vital to our company, our employees, our customers, our neighbors and our world. John Deere works tirelessly to develop and offer products that are sound and sensible, efficient and effective.


The Soil and Water Conservation Society will hold their 67th annual conference in Fort Worth, Texas from July 22-25, 2012. This year's conference theme is "Choosing Conservation: Considering Ecology, Economics and Ethics" and will feature presentations, workshops, symposia, and technical tours to facilitate the sharing of resource conservation knowledge. In honor of our 30th anniversary celebration, CTIC will host a booth at the event.

Livestock Manure Management Guide - The Ohio State University Extension

The purpose of this Ohio Livestock Manure Management Guide is to help farmers utilize manure as a resource while at the same time protecting our shared environment. A guiding principal for the writers of this edition of Bulletin 604 was to address the needs of both large and small livestock producers. This updated edition contains new and expanded sections.

Soil and Water Conservation Society

CTIC Institutional Gold Member, Soil and Water Conservation Society, has a mission to foster the science and art of natural resource conservation. Their work targets conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources on working land - the land used to produce food, fiber, and other services that improve the quailty of life people experience in rural and urban communities. They work to discover, develop, implement, and constantly improve ways to use land that sustains its productive capacity and enhances the ... more.

Trading Up for Water Quality

... designed and deployed, this first-of-its-kind interstate trading program will produce water quality credits for nitrogen and phosphorus, Mahoney says. Jessica Fox, EPRI senior scientist, says water quality trading is a valuable concept for the electric and agricultural industries. “We’ve looked at different strategies for the power industry to address its impacts on natural resources,” she says. “Water quality trading is of interest to the electric industry because it has challenges with pollution to waterways. For power plants and wastewater treatment facilities, it can be expensive to install technology to deal with the pollution coming out of these systems. They’re interested in coordinating with nonpoint-source contributors.” Although the EPA ... more.

Test for Physical Indicators

Resource goes here.

Trading Up for Water Quality

... designed and deployed, this first-of-its-kind interstate trading program will produce water quality credits for nitrogen and phosphorus, Mahoney says. Jessica Fox, EPRI senior scientist, says water quality trading is a valuable concept for the electric and agricultural industries. “We’ve looked at different strategies for the power industry to address its impacts on natural resources,” she says. “Water quality trading is of interest to the electric industry because it has challenges with pollution to waterways. For power plants and wastewater treatment facilities, it can be expensive to install technology to deal with the pollution coming out of these systems. They’re interested in coordinating with nonpoint-source contributors.” Although the EPA ... more.

Fast vs. Fuel - The New No-Till Debate

... structure and drainage – especially in a spring when early planting was a bygone dream and the thought of getting seed into the ground at all seemed like a distant hope. “My insurance agent has just gotten into no-till,” says Dan Gillespie, a corn and soybean grower from Nebraska's Loess Hills who also serves as the state no-till specialist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Nebraska. “He stopped by and said, ‘I had a wonderful time no-tilling my field yesterday. My neighbor had a four-wheel-drive tractor and a field cultivator out, and while he was running out there doing tillage, I was planting.'” Back to Basics In April, Gillespie compared the difference in time and fuel between conv ... more.

Using Cover Crops to Facilitate the Transition to Continuous No-Till

... With dedicated effort and the input of consultants and CTIC staff, the producers involved in "Using Cover Crops to Facilitate the Transition to Continuous No-Till" should see the benefits to be gained from practicing no-till with cover crop use. Project Director Angie Williams E-mail: Tel: 765-376-4504 Funded by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Innovation Grant Project Period 2008 – 2011 Project Partners Midwest Cover Crops Council, Purdue University, Michigan State University, Ohio No-Till Council, The Ohio State University Extension, Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Project Summary In 2008, CTIC launched a three-year project, “Using Cove ... more.

Lessening the Pain

... and your location, but here in Minnesota, a farmer can pick up two to three days, in terms of getting into the field.” Steve Berger of Wellman, Iowa, has continuously no-tilled his 2,200-acre corn and soybean operation for 30 years. He implemented no-till to prevent erosion on his highly erodible land in Washington County. “Our goal was to improve our number one resource, behind our people – our soil,” Berger says. “We are very lucky to live in Iowa, and to have deep, rich soils. We wanted to build the quality of our soil and at least stabilize the loss of organic matter.” However, Berger says, the ability to pull into his field before his conventional tillage counterparts is a strong bonus. “They’ll run a few day ... more.

Managing Manure and Litter on Animal Feeding Operations with Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans

CNMPs are very important resources. They provide valuable natural resource management information and help farmers and ranchers comply with water quality regulations. The final EPA regulation for CAFOs and recent public pressure elevate the importance of this NRCS planning assistance. You are encouraged to emphasize this importance and continue to communicate and collaborate with livestock and poultry industry producers and repre ... more.


Photo caption here. Photo credit here.

Don't miss the CTIC Conservation In Action Tour 2008

... with new technology that manages pigs' use of water Rulon Enterprises , Arcadia, Indiana • 15 years of no-till for corn and soybeans • Extensive use of precision agriculture technology to create a whole-farm fertility record • Integrated manure management and cover crops used in conservation system • Drainage managed and buffers incorporated for a total resource management system Beck's Hybrids , Atlanta, Indiana • Largest U.S. independent retail seed company • 18-year no-till demonstration plots in Practical Farm Research™ (PFR) program • Other studies look at strip-till and strip cropping with various crop combinations • Research and Development facility, with greenhouses totaling 24,000 square feet, works ... more.

Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance

Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance The mission of the Georgia Conservation Tillage Alliance is to promote the adoption of conservation tillage and other economically viable and environmentally sound agricultural and natural resource management practices through research, education, and communication. Contact Information

California Conservation Tillage Workgroup

... Workgroup is to 1) develop knowledge and exchange information on conservation tillage production systems, 2) coordinate related research and extension programs, 3) respond to needs for information on reduced tillage production alternatives, and 4) plan and conduct statewide and regional conferences, workshops and training demonstrations as well as produce UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) publications and internet materials that summarize research that the workgroup conducts. In addition, the Workgroup pursues means and opportunities for increasing the adoption of conservation tillage in California. Mission, Goals and Contact Information Workgroup Purpose, Structure and Operational Procedures: The purpose of the DANR Conservation Tillage Workgroup is to 1) deve ... more.

Southeast Arkansas Resource Conservation and Development

Conservation in Action NEWS August 2022

... joining us from out of town, the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac is holding a CTIC room block at the special rate of $138 per night. Click here to book your room. Sponsors of this year's Conservation in Action Tour include: Ruby Sponsors: Syngenta, The Mosaic Company, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Diamond Sponsor: John Deere, Indigo Ag Platinum Sponsor: National Corn Growers Association, The Nature Conservancy, Field to Market, Anonymous Gold Sponsor: Regrow Ag Silver Sponsors: Nutrien, Case IH Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Contact Crystal Hatfield for details at 4R Nutrient Stewardship Training Workshop, August 23, Maumee, Ohio Join us Tuesday, August 23 for a fre ... more.

2021 National Recreational Water Quality Workshop

VirtualNational Recreational Water Quality Workshop April 6-8, 2021 About the Workshop: This virtual format, 3-day workshop will be a forum for recreational water quality managers, stakeholders, researchers and public health officials at all levels to share information and ideas about implementing a successful recreational water program. The focus of this workshop is on two common challenges in ambi ... more.

Session 2

... Blanch Speaker Bio Anicet R. Blanch is Full Professor of Microbiology at the University of Barcelona. His research in Water and Environmental Microbiology is focused on the development of selective and specific methods for the detection of bacteria, on Microbial Source Tracking and on the use of bacteriophages as viral indicators in water, food and sludge. He is participating in national and EU-projects since 1988. He has also expertise on innovation and knowledge management and has been participating as member of technical panels in standardisation agencies (AENOR/CEN/ISO). He is member of the Directive Board of the Water Research Institute at the University of Barcelona, and trustee of the Technology Transfer Foundation of the University of Barcelona. Video Length - 10:0 ... more.

Third navigation past workshop national

National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training

Third navigation past workshop national

National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training


... Meeting Room CR 17/18 7:30 a.m. - Breakfast with NACD Executive Committee 8:30 a.m. - Board meeting begins 12 p.m. - Lunch 1 p.m. - Board meeting resumes 4 p.m. - Board meeting adjourns Detailed agenda coming soon. This meeting is in conjunction with the National Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting. For more information, please click here. Hotel Information: Please note there are two Marriott hotels in San Antonio; be sure to make your reservation at the Rivercenter: Marriott Rivercenter Hotel 101 Bowie Street San Antonio, TX 78205 210-223-1000 The room rate for a single/double room is $179 per night. This rate may ... more.

Conservation Agriculture Carbon Offset Consultation - The Results

... supporting information about the importance of soil carbon sequestration in conservation agriculture. It is designed to accompany the one-pager and provide additional information to the reader. What You Can Do Share both documents with people who can help us put conservation agriculture into action to help address greenhouse gas emissions. Send it to your local, regional and national political leaders with a personal note urging them to get more information and to take action. Request personal meetings with decision makers and review the documents with them. Contact CTIC to view the presentations delivered during the Consultationand complete proceedings. Organized by: Conservation Technology Information Center Food & Agriculture Org ... more.


The Conservation Technology Information Center, through its partnership with The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), the national trade association representing the U.S. fertilizer industry, has joined a national effort to promote 4R nutrient stewardship. In March, TFI launched a new website,, to showcase supportive resources and educational tools for the 4R nut rient stewardship concept which promotes the use of the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, right time and in the ... more.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the nation's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D). NREL's mission and strategy are focused on advancing the U.S. Department of Energy's and our nation's energy goals.

EPA’s New CAFO Rule Changes “Duty to Apply” for NPDES Permit

... not discharge or don’t propose to discharge water from their operations. EPA's New CAFO Rule Changes "Duty to Apply" for NPDES Permit By Steve Werblow A new rule for confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) requires only operations that discharge or “propose to discharge” water from their facilities to apply for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. However, according to Allison Wiedeman of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), applying for the NPDES permit – which all CAFOs were formerly required to do – remains the least risky way for CAFO operators to make sure they don’t run afoul of clean water regulations. “We’re understanding mo ... more.

Experts Dispute Study That Relates No-Till to Algae Problem

... EPA Experts Dispute Study That Relates No-Till to Algae Problem Rachel Doctor Last spring, a study conducted by Hiedelberg College's water lab in Tiffin, Ohio, reported that no-till farming was contributing to the dissolved phosphorus that enters the water supply and causes an accumulation of algae in Lake Erie. According to Norm Widman, national agronomist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), no-till systems are not the reason for this dissolved phosphorus, but several things have caused a “perfect storm” for this phosphorus runoff. ”Most phosphorus runoff is caused by the timing and methods of application of phosphorus,” Widman says. “Too much application in the summer and fall with ... more.

International Meeting Spotlights Conservation Agriculture's Role in Mitigating Climate Change

Conservation Agriculture Carbon Offset Consultation participants gather outside the Purdue University Beck Agricultural Center. International Meeting Spotlights Conservation Agriculture's Role in Mitigating Climate Change Supported by science and spurred by emerging markets, more than 80 participants in an international workshop on carbon sequestration called on world policymakers to focus research and create fair-priced carbon offset markets that would pay farmers to adopt conservation agriculture pract ... more.

Questions and Answers

... goes beyond talking about what agriculture is doing to protect the environment. It is a public way of showing that agriculture is taking responsibility to build on the environmentally sound management practices already used on the farm. This will be done by tracking the quality of the systems used by farmers and reporting the tangible results to the public through the CTIC newsletter and other national publications, national and local events and informative materials distributed across the country. Who is behind it? The effort is led by a unique public-private, agriculture-based partnership that includes many farmer-led organizations, agricultural businesses, government agencies and universities. Who is coordinating it? It's coordinated by the Conservation Technology Informa ... more.

National Soil Tilth Laboratory

National Soil Tilth Laboratory USDA Agricultural Research Service Established 1989 Research laboratory within the USDA-ARS organization charged with conducting research on farming systems and their impact on air, soil, and water quality. Multidisciplinary research teams address problems using multiple scales of studies that range from basic laboratory analyses of soils to watershed and regional a ... more.


... program. The overall project (ACTION) is being led by theWolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment, which was awarded up to $35 million by USDA to conduct this new partnership pilot.Through their global collaborative, Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM),Wolfe’s Neck Center will lead an alliance of over 60 national and regional buyers, funders, and organizations to launch and support climate-smart agricultural pilot projects on farms and ranches in the Northeast, Mountain West, and California. The CTICConservationConnectorwill allow producers, landowners, and trusted advisorsto find programs and service providers who can help plan, implement, and verify voluntary conserv ... more.

Past Projects header

Past Projects CTIC and its partners lead projects at the local, regional and national level to address agriculture's pressing conservation needs. Each projectincludes public and private sector partners, shares information about new technology and tools, and promotes agricultural systems that are both economically viable and environmentally beneficial.

Diverse Corn Belt

... agricultural advisors, community leaders, and others. RAD Team members will work closely with the research team—and each other—over the next five years to share their insight on research findings, explore policy implications, and envision what the agricultural landscape of the Midwest should look like in the future. The Diverse Corn Belt project is funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture through an Agriculture and Food Research Initiative competitive grant. Members of the research team represent land grant institutions, federal agencies, and non-profit organizations. CTIC is helping with communications for the project. Interested farmers and other stakeholders can learn more about the Diverse Corn Belt project at, ... more.

Helpful Links header

Helpful Links CTIC and its partners lead projects at the local, regional and national level to address agriculture's pressing conservation needs. Each projectincludes public and private sector partners, shares information about new technology and tools, and promotes agricultural systems that are both economically viable and environmentally beneficial.

OpTIS - Our Work

... USDA, NASA, Bayer, Corteva, Enterprise, Ecosystem Services Market Consortium, Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research, Howard G. Buffet Foundation, John Deere, Monsanto, The Mosaic Company, The Nature Conservancy, Simplot, Soil Health Partnership, Syngenta, Walmart Foundation, and Walton Family Foundation. On 27-Sep-2023, CTIC, TNC and Regrow Ag hosted 'OpTIS 4.0: New National Baseline Data for Climate Smart Ag' a webinar covering the new OpTIS 4.0 data. Watch the webinar below: Data Release Date: September, 2023 Data Provider: RegrowLicense How to Use theOpTIS Visualization Tool What is OpTIS? Want to learn more? Visit our OpTIS information page. Learn More

Current Member Listing

... Retailers Association (ARA) advocates, influences, educates and provides services to support its members in their quest to maintain a profitable business environment, adapt to a changing world and preserve their freedom to operate. American Soybean Association The American Soybean Association (ASA) represents U.S. soybean farmers on domestic and international policy issues important to the soybean industry. ASA has 26 affiliated state associations representing 30 soybean-producing states and more than 500,000 soybean farmers. International Certified Crop Adviser Program The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) and Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) programs of the American Society of Agronomy are the bench ... more.

Farming in the Flyways Workshop

Celebrating Agriculture, Wildlife and Rural Traditions Hosted in Conjunction with the 17th Annual CTIC Conservation In Action Tour 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, June 10th 2024 This free, interactive, in-person event will take place at theDucks Unlimited National Headquarters, where you'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for conservation. Limited to 50 attendees, don't miss out on this unique opportunity to connect with fellow farmers and learn from the experts! Workshop Agenda 11:30 Registration & Optional Tour of HQ (30 minutes) 12:00 Steak Lunch from Black Leg Ranch – A Conservation Award Winni ... more.

National Buildout RFP

The Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) Inducts Frank Lessiter Into Its Hall of Fame

... environmental sustainability goals. Hall of Fame Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer for 51 years, since the publication was launched in 1972. He and wife, Pam, acquired No-Till Farmer and established Lessiter Media in Brookfield, Wis., to acquire the magazine in 1981. Today, the 40-person company also publishes Strip-Till Farmer and Cover Crop Strategies and has run the National No-Tillage Conference since 1993. The Conservation in Action tour is a homecoming for Lessiter, who was raised on a 6-generation Michigan Centennial Farm in Lake Orion, Mich., which he and his son Mike visited the week of the award ceremony. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University. Lessiter's contributions to conservation ag’s adoption are profound. He ... more.


... agriculture across Michigan, along with program and policy recommendations. The speakers represent a diverse project team in Michigan that has been working since 2017 to address policy, economic, and structural barriers that are inhibiting broader adoption of conservation agriculture in the state. This webinar will act as an introduction to our tour and help familiarize our national attendees with conservation agriculture in Michigan.

Early reg ending soon

... Frankenmuth at a special tour rate for July 10 & 11. The registration web page includes a link for online booking of rooms at the discount rate. The tour and celebration also offer sponsorship opportunities—high-visibility events with engaged participants, great speakers representing the agriculture industry, the research community and government sector, as well as national publicity. Sponsoring the program is also a great way to support CTIC’s future. For details on sponsorship, contact Ryan Heiniger


... adoption, assess environmental outcomes, and track the impacts of policy.” CTIC, TNC and Regrow will continue their OpTIS webinar series this spring. Details will be available at in coming weeks. # # # The Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) is a national non-profit that brings together farmers, policy makers, regulators, academic researchers, agribusiness leaders, conservation group personnel, farm media and others. CTIC connects, champions and informs its members, partners and the general public in support of sustainable agricultural systems and technologies that are productive, profitable and preserve natural resources. CTIC is supported in par ... more.

CTIC To Lead Development of the CSA Connector for a New USDA Climate Smart Partnership Program

... for Climate Smart Commodities program. The overall project is being led by the Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment, which was awarded up to $35 million by USDA to conduct this new partnership pilot. Through their global collaborative, Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM), Wolfe’s Neck Center will lead an alliance of over 60 national and regional buyers, funders, and organizations to launch and support climate-smart agricultural pilot projects on farms and ranches in the Northeast, Mountain West, and California. The CSA Connector is an app being developed by CTIC and its partners to play a key role in the program by connecting all of the relevant participants in the emerging climate smart commodity marketplace&md ... more.

CTIC To Lead Development of the CSA Connector for a New USDA Climate Smart Partnership Program

... for Climate Smart Commodities program. The overall project is being led by the Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment, which was awarded up to $35 million by USDA to conduct this new partnership pilot. Through their global collaborative, Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM), Wolfe’s Neck Center will lead an alliance of over 60 national and regional buyers, funders, and organizations to launch and support climate-smart agricultural pilot projects on farms and ranches in the Northeast, Mountain West, and California. The CSA Connector is an app being developed by CTIC and its partners to play a key role in the program by connecting all of the relevant participants in the emerging climate smart commodity marketplace&md ... more.

What We Do

CTIC champions, promotes and provides information on technologies and sustainable agricultural systems that conserve and enhance soil, water, air and wildlife resources, and are productive and profitable. Lead Projects CTIC is a leader and collaborator in projects that address conservation agriculture's most important topics. Funded by public investments, foundation grants, agribusiness and private donations, our projects provide insight into agricultural systems that are both economically and environmentally beneficial. Provide Information ... more.

Diverse Corn Belt Project Seeks Farmers for Focus Groups and In-Field Testing

... agricultural advisors, community leaders, and others. RAD Team members will work closely with the research team—and each other—over the next five years to share their insight on research findings, explore policy implications, and envision what the agricultural landscape of the Midwest should look like in the future. The Diverse Corn Belt project is funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture through an Agriculture and Food Research Initiative competitive grant. Members of the research team represent land grant institutions, federal agencies, and non-profit organizations. CTIC is helping with communications for the project. Interested farmers and other stakeholders can learn more about the Diverse Corn Belt project at, ... more.

PLUS-UP Program Pays; Ohio Meetings Aug. 22 and 23

... waters, is detailed in this interactive story map. CTIC and The Andersons will host a 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship meeting in Maumee, Ohio, on August 23. A PLUS-UP stakeholder workshop will be held the following day in Toledo, Ohio. Watch this link for details. With a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, CTIC and our partners at Heidelberg University's National Center for Water Quality Research, St. Mary's University of Minnesota, and the Bayer Carbon Program developed a credit-based system to raise and disburse stimulus funds that help farmers cover the cost and management of practices that reduce phosphorus loads. The Bayer Carbon Program underwrote the DRP credits. "Our goal with the PLUS-UP pilot project has been to develop an ... more.

Back on the Bus: Conservation in Action Tour —St. Louis Sept. 12 and 13

... is holding a CTIC room block at the special rate of $138 per night. The $275 registration fee includes the 40th Anniversary celebration, bus transportation, stops and meals. Sponsors of this year's Conservation in Action Tour include: Ruby Sponsors: Syngenta, The Mosaic Company, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Diamond Sponsor: John Deere Platinum Sponsor: National Corn Growers Association Silver Sponsors: Nutrien, Case IH Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Crystal Hatfield for details at


... Louis Frontenac in St. Louis at a special rate of $138 per night for September 12 & 13. The registration web page includes a link for online booking of rooms at the discount rate. Current sponsors of the 2022 Conservation in Action Tour include Ruby level sponsors Mosaic, Syngenta and the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Diamond-level sponsor John Deere, Platinum sponsor National Corn Growers Association and Silver sponsors Case IH and Nutrien. The tour and celebration offer further sponsorship opportunities—high-visibility events with engaged participants, great speakers representing the agriculture industry, the research community and government sector, and a big media splash in support of our 40th Anniversary. Sponsoring the program is also ... more.

From the Project Director

... reducing DRP in surface waters, The Bayer Carbon Program stepped up to underwrite the DRP credits. In turn, we are delivering those funds to program farmers as stimulus payments for no-till and cover crops—two practices that can significantly reduce the off-farm movement of dissolved reactive phosphorus. PLUS-UP is driven by science. Our partners at Heidelberg University's National Center for Water Quality Research are using data from each participating farm to model the amount of DRP that is being retained on PLUS-UP fields. Based on those results, the farmers will be paid for the DRP that they didn't release into the waterways. The payments to individual farmers are relatively modest: we estimate they will average about $3 per acre for no-till, $5 per acr ... more.

From the Project Director - Komp

... reducing DRP in surface waters, The Bayer Carbon Program stepped up to underwrite the DRP credits. In turn, we are delivering those funds to program farmers as stimulus payments for no-till and cover crops—two practices that can significantly reduce the off-farm movement of dissolved reactive phosphorus. PLUS-UP is driven by science. Our partners at Heidelberg University's National Center for Water Quality Research are using data from each participating farm to model the amount of DRP that is being retained on PLUS-UP fields. Based on those results, the farmers will be paid for the DRP that they didn't release into the waterways. The payments to individual farmers are relatively modest: we estimate they will average about $3 per acre for no-till, $5 per acr ... more.

PLUS-UP Progress

... reactive phosphorus in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Here are the highlights, by the numbers: 10 growers in the Maumee, Sandusky, and Cedar-Portage watersheds signed up 5,000 acres enrolled in PLUS-UP Bayer Carbon Program underwrites DRP credits Participating farmers are sharing field data from the 2021 cropping season and the winter of 2021-2022 with the National Center for Water Quality Research at Heidelberg University. The Heidelberg team will use those details to calculate the effect of each farmer's conservation practices on dissolved reactive phosphorus loading in the watershed. Farmers will be paid according to the amount of DRP their conservation practices retained on their land. For our inaugural year, we chose to focus on cover ... more.

Program Partners

CTIC National Water Quality Research Center, Heidelberg University Geospatial Services, St. Mary's University of Minnesota Bayer Carbon Program

The NTT Model

The team at the National Center for Water Quality Research at Heidelberg University is using the Nutrient Tracking Tool, or NTT, to model the effects of conservation practices on dissolved reactive phosphorus on each field enrolled in PLUS-UP. Developed by the Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research at Tarleton State University, NTT is a powerful tool for estimating the nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment losses ... more.

‘Farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin Can Earn Money in New CTIC Phosphorus Reduction Pilot Program’

... that drain into Lake Erie. Even better, signing a one-year PLUS-UP contract will not disqualify participants from other programs (like H2Ohio) within the watershed. Farmers who are participating in the Bayer Carbon Program can double their payment by signing up for the CTIC program and implementing the same practices. Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus Laura Johnson, director of the National Center for Water Quality Research at Heidelberg University, points out that while particulate phosphorus has been most widely studied, dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) is the form that is immediately available to algae—and crops. That makes it the most important form of phosphorus to keep on the farm and out of surface waters. “What we've been learning over time, e ... more.

Training Videos

Click on any of the links below for full video coverage of each of the presentations in the two-day program. There's More Where That Came From: The Need for Conservation Mike Taylor, Farmer, Helena, Arkansas Selecting the Right Practices John Lee, USDA NRCS National Water Management Center, Little Rock, Arkansas Resources for Technical Support Keith Scoggins, USDA NRCS District Conservationist, Wynne, Arkansas Selecting A Contractor Keith Scoggins, USDA NRCS District Conservationist, Wynne, Arkansas Arkansas’ Nutrient Reduction Strategy Ken Brazil, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, Lit ... more.

NQWRW Abstract Book

Download the Abstract Book & Poster Session Presenter List Get your copy of the Virtual National Recreational Water Quality Workshop Abstract booktoday! Download the PDFfile and view all of the available abstracts. DownloadSpeaker List Download Abstract Book

Session 3

... his time looking out for the people who go to the beaches, rivers, and streams by managing the organization’s recreational water quality programs. He has a B.S. in Biology from The University of St. Thomas and a M.S. in Biology from Miami University. Although Luke does not consider what he does at Heal the Bay “work,” when he’s not in the home office he is hiking in the National Parks or hanging out on the beach. Video Length - 10:41 Lake Erie Beach Monitoring and Public Notification Database: Beachguard Jenifer Hassinger Speaker Bio Jenifer Hassinger is a Sanitarian Program Specialist at the Ohio Department of Health. She has been working with the recreation program team in several programs, including bathing beach monitoring and advis ... more.

National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI)

CTIC has completed their workwith USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on a project in support of NWQI. This project identifiedsuccessful watershed management activities that engaged landowners, farmers, and the broader public to protect water quality. Insights developed through this project will inform future NRCS efforts to support local watershed initiatives with technical and financial resources. As a first step, CTIC conven ... more.


2020 National Recreational Water Quality Workshop This 3.5 day workshop open to the public will focus on two common challenges in recreational waters. April 21-24, 2020 Read More The Conservation Technology Information Center The Conservation Technology Information Center promotes, supports and provides information on conservation technologies & sustainable agricultural systems. Read ... more.

Watershed Management Starter Kit

Watershed Management Starter Kit This complete kit includes seven guides (Getting to Know Your Watershed, Building Local Partnerships, Putting Together a Watershed Management Plan, Managing Conflict, Leading and Communicating, and two others), a 13-minute dvd video (Partnerships for Watersheds), companion brochure and an application to the National Watershed Network. In other words, it includes everything you need to get started!

Just One More Week to Register

... 20 and 21. Registration for the event closes in just one week, at midnight on July 26. The tour includes farm visits, a tour of a cutting-edge ag retail operation, a close-up look at the Iowa Land Improvement Contractors Association (LICA) demonstration farm, and talks by leading policy makers, researchers, conservation agriculture specialists and ag retailers from the state and national levels. Other highlights include: An address by Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig at the tour's opening social at the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates; Talks by Katie Flahive of US EPA and Kurt Simon, state conservationist for Iowa with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; An opportunity to drive a state-of-the-art sprayer training simulator; A demonst ... more.

Great Networking

... have built a nationwide reputation over the years for providing an up-close look at conservation systems in the field, and also for creating opportunities for outstanding networking. “I am very pleased with how the plans have come together for the CTIC 2019 Conservation in Action Tour," Tindall says. "These tours balance local conservation practices with a national message of doing better. Those attending will realize that these tours are the best in North America.”

Registration Is Open for CTIC Conservation in Action Tour!

... a unique opportunity not only to see conservation practices at work in real-world conditions, but to share that experience with people you ordinarily wouldn't have an opportunity to bring together," notes Peyton Harper of The Fertilizer Institute, a board member of CTIC and co-chair of the tour planning committee. "You can find yourself sitting with the marketing manager of a multinational agrichemical company, a farmer, a university professor and an EPA official talking about what you're seeing on the ground. It's a remarkable experience." Tim Palmer, an Iowa farmer who serves as president of the National Association of Conservation Districts and co-chair of CTIC's tour planning committee, adds, "I've made friends on these tours that I still ... more.

Member Benefits

... Membership includes, but is not limited to: Institutions, Associations, NGO’s, Nonprofits, Media, University, and more. If you are unsure if the Institutional Membership is the best fit for your business, please call us to find out the membership package that is best for you. Basic Institutional Membership Basic-1: $1,000 - Organizations with a national focus Basic-2: $250 - Regional, state or local Organizations .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#999;} .tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#999;color:#444;background-color:#F7FDFA;} .tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:norm ... more.

Promoting Conservation

... awareness of the benefits of conservation, providing detailed information on successful implementation of practices, and sharing perspective on the needs and real-world challenges facing farmers trying to protect soil, water and air quality as well as their economic sustainability. Watershed Success Forums Working with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) through the National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI), CTIC is identifying successful watershed management activities that engage landowners, farmers, and the broader public to protect water quality. Five forums in five states are yielding a guide for NRCS, partners and stakeholders on organizing local watershed groups and creating successful watershed products. The guide, being prepared by Dr. Linda Prokopy of Purdue ... more.

Bioenergy Productions

Argonne National Laboratory found a home for its biomass test site on the Ray Popejoy farm in the Indian Creek watershed. Argonne is exploring the potential for farmers to employ underused or marginal land to produce crops for biomass energy. Factors studied include economic potential and water quality benefits. As this project moves forward, funding from the Department of Energy is expected to support ... more.

CTIC Launches New Conservation Information Website

... Today, we can use the web to deliver documents, videos, data—anything people could want to know about conservation systems. It's the perfect time for us to create a new site and put people in touch with our treasure trove of information." # # # The Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) is a national public-private partnership that includes farmers, policy makers, regulators, academic researchers, agribusiness leaders, conservation group personnel, farm media and others. CTIC's mission is to champion, promote and provide information on technologies and sustainable agricultural systems that conserve and enhance soil, water, air and wildlife resources and are productive and profitable. CTIC ... more.

Renew Your CTIC Membership ...Or Join!

... in the works, farmers finding ways to use conservation practices to cut costs, and consumer pressure on for growers to farm sustainable, CTIC is at the leading edge of a wide rangeof hot topics. This is a perfect time for you and your company/organization to get involved. CTIC members receive: Access to research and information on conservation agriculture National recognition for supporting agricultural conservation Networking opportunities unparalleled in agriculture or conservation Opportunities to participate in research and demonstrations of conservation practices Interaction with technical professionals and policymakers Your membership helps CTIC connect, inform, and champion - and it puts you at the table with the most diverse and dedicate ... more.

Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico--Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium USGS Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico Studies National Ocean Service Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch

Ag Consulting Trainings

... Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America Target Audience In addition to the memberships of project partners, CTIC will design the workshops with the following groups in mind: Agricultural retailers Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA) Members of Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants (NAICC) NRCS Technical Service Providers (TSPs) Soil and Water Conservation District staff and engineers

Ag Consulting Trainings

... Audience In addition to the memberships of project partners, CTIC will design the workshops with the following groups in mind: Agricultural retailers Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA) Members of Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants (NAICC) NRCS Technical Service Providers (TSPs) Soil and Water Conservation District staff and engineers About the Project Through a collaborative agreement with the US EPA, CTIC will provide leadership and technical support to successfully plan, organize, coordinate, evaluate and share information from five workshops held between 2 ... more.

National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI)

CTIC is working with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to improve the effective engagement by NRCS in delivering watershed projects and to enhance the agency's ability to communicate the issues and success of watershed projects. This project is identifying successful watershed management activities that engage landowners, farmers, and the broader public to protect water quality. Insights developed through this project ... more.

Don't forget to renew your membership

... in spreading the message about how conservation practices can help improve soil and water quality, boost profitability and more. We couldn’t do it without you! As a CTIC member, you: Network with leaders in conservation and agriculture Collaborate on projects that encourage and steer conservation efforts Access the latest research and information Gain national recognition for your support of agricultural conservation. Have recognition on CTIC's web page Receive a one-year subscription to Conservation in Action Partners and Member Mail To renew your membership, please email Crystal Hatfield at or call 765-494-9555. And while you're thinking about it, help our conservation community grow by telling your friends and coll ... more.

Build Coalitions

CTIClinks private businesses, non-profit organizations, associations, and local, state, regional, and federal government agencies to address their common conservation agriculture issues. Our coalition-led initiatives range from small watershed projects to national events and conferences. With strength, wisdom, and knowledge in numbers, CTIC’s coalitions work to disseminate information on new technologies and tools, to ensure conservation agriculture works on the ground. The Conservation Agriculture Systems Alliance (CASA)unites voluntary producer organizations across North America that share similar missions and goals, encounter similar chal ... more.

Third navigation past workshop wetlands

National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training

Third navigation past workshop lakes

National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training

Third nav past workshop coastal

National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training

2017 National Workshop/Conference

2017 National Workshop/Conference The Future of NARS: Building on Our Shared Successes December 5-7, 2017 NOAA Training Center Silver Spring, MD Agenda (includes links to presentations) Pre-workshop Webinars

Past Workshops

Click on the links below for more information from past workshops, including materials, presentations and webinars. National Coastal Lakes Wetlands R Training

2010 Fall National Wetlands Monitoring & Assessment Work Group (NWMAWG) Workshop

December 7-9, 2010 Raleigh, NC Theme: Monitoring and Assessment to Support State and Tribal Wetland Protection State and Tribal Wetland Regulatory Programs. Roundtable Discussion: Use of monitoring and assessment information in the development of a state wetland regulatory program - Michelle Henicheck, VA DEQ - Tammy Hill, NC DENR - Barb Scott, KY DOW: Kentucky 401 WQC Program - Mick Miccachion, OH EPA - Ted Walsh, NH ... more.

2014 National Wetlands Workshop

October 28-30, 2014 Denver, Colorado Click here to download the agenda.

2011 Workshop

US National AMBI Development Workshop September 27 - 29, 2011 Costa Mesa, CA Meeting goals: Develop AMBI Ecological Group classifications for US speciesv Agree on analyses needed to calibrate/validate the US AMBI

Introducing the Benthic Workgroup Objectives Webinar

July 26, 2016 EPA Region 5 Chicago, Illinois Click on the title links below for the slide presentations. Welcome – Hugh Sullivan, EPA AMBI / mAmbi – Peg Pelletier, EPA ORD National Health and Environmental Effects Research Lab Weighted Tolerance Value – Ted Angradi, EPA ORD, Duluth Modified OTI – Lyuba Burlakova, Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College Recorded Webinar - July 26, 2016


... They’re the right group to show farmers how they can benefit from conservation. Mike Smith, CTIC project director. Workshop Agenda Tuesday August 22, 2017 1:00 to 4:30 PM - Stuttgart Public Library Topics of discussion Identify symptoms suggesting need for conservation - Mike Taylor, Farmer (30 min) Selecting right practices - John Lee, NRCS (90 min) Resources for technical support - Keith Scoggins, NRCS Selecting a contractor - Keith Scoggins, NRCS Arkansas’ nutrient reduction strategy and how practices covered by this training protect water quality - Ken Brazil, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (15-30 min) Wednesday August 23 8:00 AM - Check-in, coffee and donuts at Stuttgart Public Library 8:30 AM—Bus departs for Ter ... more.

Sponsorship Details

... Our 10th Conservation in Action Tour! Now is the time to sign on as a sponsor of CTIC's 2017 Conservation in Action Tour and position your company as a leader in conservation farming. Contact Chad Watts atwatts@ctic.orgor call 765-494-9555 for sponsorship details.(Click on the chart below to download a sponsorship flyer.) Tour sponsors receive: National recognition and exposure; Interaction with 200 tour participants, including policy makers, government agency representatives, producers, agricultural and conservation organizations, media and more; Opportunity to showcase products, technology and equipment.


CTIC and its partners lead initiatives at the local, regional and national level to address agriculture’s pressing conservation needs. Each initiative includes public and private sector partners, shares information about new technology and tools and promotes agricultural systems that are both economically viable and environmentally beneficial.


Target Audience In addition to the memberships of project partners, CTIC will design the workshops with the following groups in mind: - Agricultural retailers - Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) - Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA) - Members of Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) - National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants (NAICC) - NRCS Technical Service Providers (TSPs) - Soil and Water Conservation District staff and engineers Through a collaborative agreement with the US EPA, CTIC will provide leadership and technical support to successfully plan, organize, coordinate, evaluate and share information from five workshops held between 2015 and 2020. & ... more.


WinMax is a computer program developed at Purdue University to calculate and compare economic returns on crop production. From 1991-1998, WinMax and its earlier DOS version were used to manage data for the national Farming for Maximum Efficiency program (The MAX®) sponsored byCTICand Successful Farming magazine. WinMax manages crop input data, calculates crop fertilizer recommendations, generates production cost and nutrient management worksheets, and allows sets of custom input costs to be created and used in all calculations. Various management options, such as tillage, pest contro ... more.

Koch Agronomic Services

Koch is one of the largest producers and marketers of fertilizer in the world. Our Agrotain nitrogen stabilizer controls nitrogen loss for higher yields and better environmental performance. Our network of national experts and local representatives connects Koch Agronomic Services with the fertilizer dealers and farmers who can harness the benefits of Agrotain.


AgDay featured CTIC in a story as part of its ongoing "Future of Farming" series. Tyne Morgan, national reporter, visited the CTIC office in early March to interview Karen Scanlon, CTIC executive director. The story aired Wednesday, March 21. Karen and Upstream Hero Larry Bonnell, interviewed on his farm in Michigan, discussed conservation successes, cover crops and water quality in the broadcast. The AgDay report also promoted CTIC's Conservation In Action Tour 20 ... more.


... The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2006 were approximately $8.1 billion. Syngenta employs around 19,500 people in over 90 countries. INSTITUTIONAL CropLife America, Gold Institutional Member, is the national trade organization representing the nation's developers, manufacturers, formulators and distributors of plant science solutions for agriculture and pest management in the U.S. INDIVIDUAL Harold Reetz We thank individual member Harold Reetz for his long-standing membership and participation in the Conservation In Action Tour ... more.

Pork Manure Specifics - National Pork Board

Information concerning odor mitigation, storage, nutrient management, and much more are listed here as well as a searchable Environmental Research Database.


The winter CTIC board meeting will be held January 31 - February 1, 2012. This meeting is in conjunction with the National Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting. For more information, please click here. All members are invited to attend. Please see the draft agenda for more details, and RSVP CTIC if you would like to join us. Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2012 Las Vegas, NV Tuesday (Jan. 31) -- 12:00 - 5:00 pm Room: Brera 4, Third Level (Mezzanine) Wednesday (Feb. 1) -- ... more.


Today there are thousands of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) nationally that require an National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit. Producers and their technical service providers need specialized informationand assistance with new technologies to resolve livestock waste management issues and address water quality concerns. Collaborative watershed effortsfocused on managing livestock waste need resourcesto help inform ... more.

Environmental Defense Fund

CTIC Institutional Member, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), is a leading national nonprofit organization representing more than 700,000 members. Since 1967, EDF has linked science, economics and law to creat innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems. EDF is dedicated to protecting the environmental rights of all people, including future generations. To learn more about the Environmental Defense Fund ... more.

CropLife America

CTIC Institutional Gold Member, CropLife America, is the national trade organization representing the nation's developers, manufacturers, formulators and distributors of plant science solutions for agriculture and pest management in the U.S. To find out more about CropLife America, visit


... institutional and individual members for their loyalty and offer our thanks for their years of support. “CTIC values each member,” says Karen Scanlon, executive director. “All of our successes, past and present, depend on the participation, input and support of our members.” In 1982, a group of agribusiness leaders, together with the National Association of Conservation Districts, formed CTIC to promote and provide information about conservation tillage. In the three decades since, CTIC has expanded its focus, increased and diversified its membership and worked with thousands of people across the country to advance conservation. Our members make it all possible. Thank you! ... more.


The fall CTIC board meeting will be held October 24 -25, 2011. We will be meeting at the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives office in Washington, DC. All members are invited to attend. Please RSVP CTIC if you would like to join us. Hotel Information: Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill 400 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 Tel: 202-737-1234 Website:


The fall CTIC board meeting will be held October 24 -25, 2011. We will be meeting at the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives office in Washington, DC. All members are invited to attend. Please RSVP CTIC if you would like to join us. Hotel Information: Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill 400 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 Tel: 202-737-1234 Website:


... can implement the four Rs and substantially reduce the amount of N fertilizer escaping fields, a clear financial loss, and detrimental to water quality. Enjoy lunch with the morning tour or supper with the evening tour. Organizers will offer an optional trip to Kilgus Dairy, an award-winning conservation dairy, Spence Farm, which grows food for Chicago chefs, and Argonne National Laboratory’s experimental bioenergy site. Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will host the tour with support from Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IL EPA), Agrium Advanced Technologies, Agrotain, The Fertilizer Institute, Monsanto, Mosaic, Illinois Corn Marketing Board, Agri Drain Corporation, Case I ... more.


... stories about farmers who have developed and adopted sound nutrient efficiency strategies - protecting their bottom lines as well as local and downstream water quality. Positive stories can highlight agriculture's role in contributing to water quality solutions, such as thoseassociated with high nutrient loads in the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. National agriculture and general media sources will have access to stories about our Upstream Heroes.


... willing to use cover crops and conservation tillage to ensure the best possible results for these producers. Social Farmers will receive regular communications via an email list serve and a comprehensive project web site which will provide useful information from project partners and other farmers. Producers will also be encouraged to participate in additional activities such as the National No till Conference and local conservation agriculture events. For more information visit the project page or contact Angie Williams at


... about emerging tools and technology access our extensive network of experts show their commitment to the success of conservation agriculture Our members are CTIC's strength. With our solid, active and dedicated membership, we've demonstrated the value of public/private partnerships, and we've proven that collaboration works. Join our national public/private partnership at the basic membership level that fits you best –
Individual, Institutional or Corporate. For additional benefits and recognition, increase your contribution to support the important work of CTIC. Each membership category includes additional giving levels of Gold, Silver and Bronze. See our Membership Brochure for detailed information about e ... more.

National Tillage Trends 1990-2004

Conservation Tillage Types - over 30% cover after planting..more

Water Quality Trading Workshop (March 4-5, 2009)

Who: Wye Mills, MD What: March 4-5, 2009 Where: Chesapeake College Together with its partners, Environmental Trading Network, the International Certified Crop Advisers, the Water Environment Federation, and the Maryland Departments of Agriculture and the Environment, the Conservation Technology Information Center hosted this interactive event as part of Maryland’s public outreach on its newly developed nonpoint-source trading program. Water quality trading is a market-based approach to improve water quality. It is an innovat ... more.

Research and Tech Briefs June 2010

... to the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).This may be an option for reducing nutrient delivery to the Chesapeake Bay and other water bodies. More... Natural Resources Inventory Details Trends in Conservation Agriculture The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released new data on soil erosion and development trends on non-federal lands. This latest National Resources Inventory (NRI), focused onthe years between 1982 and 2007,highlights data suggesting thatthat soil erosion has decreased 43 percent over the past 25 years. More... Propane Heat for Weed Control According to the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), propane-fueled heat offers a chemical-free weed and insect control alternative for organic ... more.

Notes from the Chair of the CTIC Board of Directors

... Past Chair; Foundation for Agronomic Research's Dr. Harold Reetz is First Vice Chair; Agri Drain's Charles Schafer is Second Vice Chair; Osborn & Barr Communication's Neil Caskey is Secretary; and Monsanto's Jim Hudson is Treasurer. Both Neil and Jim are new to the Executive Board. In addition to electing a new Executive Board, the CTIC membership renewed the term of National Corn Growers Association's Rod Snyder and elected a new member to CTIC's Board of Directors, CropLife America's Allan Noe. Mosaic's Ron Olson rotated off the Executive Board as Secretary and will continue to serve as a board member. We owe many thanks to Agri-Pulse Communication's Sara Wyant who served on the board since 2006 and did not seek re-election, and to long-tim ... more.

Research and Technology Briefs Dec 2008

... to provide incentives for ethanol producers to follow proper management and use appropriate conservation practices. To view ESA's position statement on biofuel sustainability, visit: EPA Promotes Safe Drinking Water with New Brochure A new brochure from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made its debut at the National FFA Convention in late October. The brochure is intended to provide access to key information on best agricultural practices to protect sources of drinking water. The target audience is high school ag science students, their advisors and instructors, as well as a broader agriculture audience. The brochure is accompanied by a Web site, . The brochure also has an inser ... more.

Changes in Manure Management in the Hog Sector: 1998 - 2004

... (EIB-50) 29 pp, March 2009 In recent years, structural changes in the hog sector, including increased farm size and regional shifts in production, have altered manure management practices. Also, changes to the Clean Water Act, State regulations, and increasing local conflicts over air quality issues, including odor, have influenced manure management decisions. This study uses data from two national surveys of hog farmers to examine how hog manure management practices vary with the scale of production and how these practices evolved between 1998 and 2004. Included are the effects of structural changes, recent policies on manure management technologies and practices, the use of nutrient management plans, and manure application rates. The findings suggest that larger hog operations are alterin ... more.

National Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center

This is an Extension system website featuring resources and answers to inquiries from livestock waste experts. Includes timely topics and newsletters, and a calendar of conferences and educational events.

Environmental Management Study: National Pork Board

Information concerning odor mitigation, storage, nutrient management, and much more are listed here as well as a searchable Environmental Research Database.

Soil Conservation Council of Canada Conseil de Conservation des sols Canada

Soil Conservation Council of Canada Conseil de Conservation des sols Canada The Soil Conservation Council of Canada (SCCC) is a non-government, producer directed organization that is the face and voice for soil conservation in Canada. Our national network is a collaboration that involves; provincial soil conservation associations, non-government organizations, industry and government. Mission, Goals and Contact Information

Upstream Heroes: Nutrient Management Succss Stories from American's Farms

The efficient use of nutrients within farming operations is receiving a great deal of attention for several reasons. Today, producers look more carefully at what, when and how they apply fertilizer, primarily because of the increased cost of fertilizer and other inputs as well as the general economic downturn. Additionally, agriculture is the focus of much attention-nationally as well as locally-because farming activities have been linked to the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone. Not many people understand the complex problem of the hypoxic zone, and individual farmers, expecially those in the upper Midwest, feel little connection to the distant Gulf of Mexico. Project Director: Karen Scanlon Email: Telephone: 765 ... more.

Planning Now Can Avoid Permit Later

... systems, and being sure to prevent discharges into waters of the state or U.S., can keep a producer from having to apply for an NPDES permit. The livestock industry’s intense interest in upcoming revisions to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) livestock water quality rule has renewed talk about the need for large Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) to apply for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Set to limit the discharges of pathogens, ammonia and other water quality parameters like biological oxygen demand, NPDES permits put the livestock operations, at some levels, in the same category as industrial facilities like wastewater treatment plants or paper mills. The NPDES program covers approximately 15,500 CAFOs, which account ... more.

Nutrient Management

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service US Environmental Protection Agency National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Livestock Waste Management Information for the Midwest - CTIC International Plant Nutrition Institute—Plant Nutrition Today

SARE/CTIC Cover Crop Surveys

Cover crops offer a wide range of benefits to farmers, from erosion control to soil building to capturing nutrients and holding them in the root zone over the winter. As interest in cover crops continues to grow, it’s important to understand the trends, opportunities and challenges surrounding these important tools. Insight from farmers who use cover crops—or from those who haven’t yet made the move—is vi ... more.

Cover Crops Research and Demonstration

Cover crops are among the most exciting and most complex conservation systems on today's agricultural landscape. CTIC and its partners have been at the forefront of exploring, demonstrating, and promoting cover crops to help make them as effective as possible. Bee Integrated Demonstration Project CTIC is supporting this Honey Bee Health Coalition led effort to bring together beekeepers and farmers to demonstrate how a ... more.

2019 Conservation In Action Tour Evaluation

... CTIC's 12th annual Conservation In Action Tour. If you haven't already, please respond to this quick evaluation. We really do use your responses to improve future events. You can reach us with any questions or feedback that don't fit the evaluation form at or 765-494-9555. 2019 Conservation In Action Tour evaluation


... with agricultural producers to economically achieve water quality improvements. It has the potential to bea flexible and cost-effective approach for maintaining, restoring or enhancing water quality. Funded By USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Innovation Grant Project Partners Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental Trading Network, International Certified Crop Advisers, Water Environment Federation Activities Water quality credit trading may be asuccessful, market-basedmethod for agriculture producers to be paid for contributing to water quality improvement.However, many potential participants lack awareness and understandingof thetrading process. CTIC worked with par ... more.

Hiram Boon, Delta Conservation Demonstration Center, Greenville, Miss.

... organizations and groups. We are seeing that benefit today. CTIC keeps us informed of opportunities to participate in grants and meetings. This organization is a conduit to share information, and through CTIC, we have the opportunity to share what we are doing with other producers and organizations. The greatest benefits of our CTIC membership, I believe, are receiving the results of surveys conducted by CTIC, and having the opportunity to participate in work groups that are developing methods to resolve issues. By becoming a member of CTIC, you will have the opportunity to be better informed of what is happening in agriculture and get to know other partners that can help in solving issues of mutual concern. CTIC provides me with an opportunity to know and work with a dedi ... more.