2013-2014 Cover Crop Survey
Sustainable Agriculture Resaerch and Education (SARE) program and CTIC conducted a national survey of farmers to learn more about their use of cover crops. More than 1,900 farmers completed the survey, which was a follow-up to a smaller survey in 2012-2013 (see below). Results show a yield boost from the use of cover crops in corn and soybeans, data on the costs of seed and establishment, the challenges and benefits farmers expect from cover crops and insight into how farmers learn to manage cover crops. See the news release for highlights.
Results from the 2013 SARE/CTIC Cover Crop Survey were cited by USDA NRCS Chief Jason Weller in testimony on Capitol Hill. Our survey was also referenced in a New York Times Article - "Cover Crops, a Farming Revolution with Deep Roots in the Past."