2021 National Recreational Water Quality Workshop
Virtual National Recreational Water Quality Workshop
April 6-8, 2021
About the Workshop:
This virtual format, 3-day workshop will be a forum for recreational water quality managers, stakeholders, researchers and public health officials at all levels to share information and ideas about implementing a successful recreational water program. The focus of this workshop is on two common challenges in ambient recreational waters: fecal contamination and harmful algal blooms.
We are excited to offer a flexible format for this event. Pre-recorded presentations will be available for viewing beginning March 15, 2021 on this CTIC website - after viewing each session’s presentations there will be a comment box available for you to submit questions. Please submit any questions before April 1st. The sessions on April 6-8 will provide an opportunity to hear the live session panel discussions, as well as the opportunity to chat with poster authors during the live poster presentations.
Please note: The presentations will not be shown during the live session of the April 6-8 workshop, therefore we strongly encourage attendees to watch the presentations prior to the live sessions.
We are excited to gather via a virtual format and share this information with everyone.
Workshop Agenda:
Please email CTIC at ctic@ctic.org or Tracy Bone at bone.tracy@epa.gov with any questions regarding the agenda.
2021 National Recreational Water Quality Workshop- Recorded Session Panel Discussions
Session 1: Risks To Recreation
Session 2: Advances in Monitoring: Approaches and Technology – Panel A
Session 2: Advances in Monitoring: Approaches and Technology – Panel B
Session 3: Notification and Risk Communication
Steve Weisberg- Workshop Summary