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Filtered by : Conservation in Action NEWS
Results36 articles found. |
2021 CONSERVATION IN ACTION TOUR PLANNING CONTINUESWith expectations of continued travel restrictions late into 2021, CTIC is currently planning the Conservation in Action tour, which is likely to include recorded, live remote and in-person elements. We are working closely with the Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS) to continue linking the tour with the Sustainable Agriculture Conference as we did last year. Meanwhile, we are finding ways to include expanded content and insight from farmers, conservation specialists, policy makers and more. For the past 14 years, the CTIC Conservation in Action Tour has been a highlight of the summer calendar, a way to ... |
40 YEARS OF CONSERVATION IN ACTION40 YEARS OF CONSERVATION IN ACTION In 2022, the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) is celebrating 40 years of Conservation in Action. That's four decades of bringing a wide range of people to the table to explore conservation farming systems from nearly every angle. Forty years of growth and expansion...from our early projects promoting no-till to our current programs that help farmers, conservationists, agribusiness professionals, academics and policy experts collaborate to protect soil health, water quality and the atmosphere. Thanks to our members, CTIC has grown over the last four decades, expanded our reach, increased and diversified our partners and ... |
Back on the Bus: Conservation in Action Tour —St. Louis Sept. 12 and 13Come meet us in St. Louis on September 12 and 13 for our 15th annual CTIC Conservation in Action Tour! On this year's tour, we will: Celebrate CTIC's 40th anniversary at a reception on Monday evening, September 12 Get out into the field September 13 at the Henry White Experimental Farm in St. Clair County, Illinois, to see conservation in action, and Gather on the afternoon of the 13th Donald Danforth Plant Science Center to explore the growing role of ag technology in the future of conservation agriculture. Registration is open online, and the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac is ... |
BAMERT SEEDMY CONSERVATION STORY... BAMERT SEED BOOSTING BIODIVERSITY AND WATER AVAILABILITY ON RANGELAND Most conversations about the Ogallala Aquifer in the southern High Plains revolve around water scarcity. But ask Chris Grotegut about his 11,000-acre farming and ranching operation outside of Hereford, Texas, and you'll find out he pulled out 75% of his pivots and shifted to a largely dryland system. Grotegut's secret weapon: biodiversity. At the heart of his system is a broad mix of native grasses, forbs and legumes from Bamert Seed that protect his fields from erosion and heat, improve the capture and infiltration ... |
BEE FORAGING FACT SHEET RELEASEDA fact sheet written by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ecologist Clint Otto used data from the Bee Integrated program, led by the Honey Bee Health Coalition and implemented by CTIC, to help detail which flower species are preferred by bees in the Prairie Pothole region. According to data from 244 sites in Minnesota and the Dakotas studied over five years, the top draws for both honey bees and native bee species include lacy phacelia, blue giant hyssop, stiff goldenrod, purple prairie clover, and wild bergamot. "It's great to see so many of the species included in the ... |
Conservation in Action NEWS April 2020 - 2April 2020 Welcome to Conservation in Action NEWS, CTIC's e-newsletter. We'll share news about the Conservation Technology Information Center as well as stories on how our members and partners are helping farmers put conservation systems into practice. If you've got a story you'd like to share, contact us! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the newsletter. NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hello Everyone, The start to a new decade has been a rocky one across the globe. With so much uncertainty, I took the opportunity to reflect on what we do know at this time in ... |
Conservation in Action NEWS August 2020Welcome Hello everyone, The last few months I’ve been able to spend some substantial time on the Great Lakes— Michigan and Superior. On Lake Michigan, I’ve been spending time chasing salmon and trout and on Superior I was doing some camping, hiking, and scouting for the upcoming fall runs. The freshwater resources that stretch across the USA are truly remarkable. Over the past months, CTIC has been working with partners to develop a phosphorus trading program within two watersheds on another Great Lake, Lake Erie. As we’ve started to work with farmers ... |
Conservation in Action NEWS August 2022AUGUST 2022 Message From the Interim Executive Director At the outset, I want to thank the Board for this opportunity to reprise this interim role. I’d also like to recognize Mike Komp for the successful term he had as our Executive Director over these past three years, during which CTIC experienced considerable growth in our reach and impact on our important mission. I also need to say how much I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming combo 40th anniversaryand 15th Conservation in Action tour, this year in-person and in my adopted hometown of ... |
Conservation in Action News February 2021February 2021 Welcome Hello everyone, The takeaway from 2020 for me has been that we are stronger together than apart. Agriculture, by its necessity, impacts everyone, every day. That means we need everyone around the table to set a course to a future where everyone benefits from conservation. CTIC has been and will continue to be a community where all are welcome, but 2020 demonstrated that it takes work to ensure that everyone is invited. I’m proud of how our team has persevered through 2020. They have engaged with new technologies, trained in critical areas, and maintained and ... |
Conservation in Action NEWS March 2020March 2020 Welcome to Conservation in Action NEWS, CTIC's e-newsletter. We'll share news about the Conservation Technology Information Center as well as stories on how our members and partners are helping farmers put conservation systems into practice. If you've got a story you'd like to share, contact us! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the newsletter. NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hello Everyone, The start to a new decade has been a rocky one across the globe. With so much uncertainty, I took the opportunity to reflect on what we do know at this time in ... |
Conservation in Action NEWS October 2019October 2019 Welcome to Conservation in Action, CTIC's new e-newsletter. We'll share news about the Conservation Technology Information Center as well as stories on how our members and partners are helping farmers put conservation systems into practice. If you've got a story you'd like to share, contact us! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the newsletter. A NOTE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hello everyone, this year has been exciting for CTIC. Over the past six months, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about the history of our organization through ... |
CONSERVATION IN ACTION TOUR BACK ON THE BUS!CONSERVATION IN ACTION TOUR BACK ON THE BUS! In 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic pushed our plans back for an in-person Conservation in Action Tour. But we rallied with virtual tours that blended pre-recorded and live content in conjunction with the American Society of Agronomy's Sustainable Agriculture Conference. Check out our digital library for interviews, panel discussions and videos that bring you across the country, from multi-generational commitment to conservation farming in Ohio, to in-depth explorations of carbon farming, phosphorus management, pollinator habitat and—CTIC's specialty—connecting for conservation. In 2022, we hope ... |
ContactWe're always on the lookout for a great conservation story to share with our members, partners and friends. Got a success story? A lesson to share? Contact executive director Mike Komp at komp@ctic.org and let's find ways to shine a spotlight on conservation. |
COPYRyan Heiniger Joins CTIC as New Executive Director CTIC welcomes Ryan Heiniger as its new Executive Director. Heiniger is a fourth-generation Iowa farmer, wildlife biologist, and non-profit leader. CTIC board president Mark White of Syngenta says Heiniger's combination of on-the-ground conservation experience and history of leadership in conservation-oriented organizations made him the perfect choice for the role. "Ryan has put his farm background and deep love for nature to work in a career in conservation," White notes. "He is a skilled organizer, mobilizer, coalition builder and fundraiser. He knows many of our partners. He has ... |
CTIC Celebrates 40th AnniversaryCTIC will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year, looking back at the evolution of the organization—and of conservation agriculture in America—and looking forward to the next 40 years of the organization's mission. Over the years, CTIC has progressed from a strong focus on no-till and reduced tillage to a broader approach to economic and environmental sustainability that grew to include water and air quality, soil health, and climate-smart agriculture. Through it all, CTIC has been a clearinghouse for information and a hub for bringing a wide range of people together to share insights and ... |
CTIC Seeks New Executive DirectorThe Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) is launching a search for a new executive director as Mike Komp, who led the organization for the past three years, moves on to a new opportunity. "CTIC has strengthened its capabilities under Mike's leadership, and we wish him great success in his new endeavors as we take on the next stage of the organization's growth," says Mark White of Syngenta, CTIC's board chair. An ideal candidate will combine leadership skills, technical acumen and a passion for helping farmers succeed with practices that help them become more ... |
Diverse Corn BeltDiverse Corn Belt The Diverse Corn Belt (DCB) is a multidisciplinary project exploring alternative crops, longer rotations, and integrating livestock and perennials that could help increase resilience in Midwest agriculture - is seeking farmer input through focus groups and in-field research. The project's 30 partners are exploring diversification at the farm, market, and landscape level that can broaden new opportunities for Midwest farmers and rural communities, says Dr. Linda S. Prokopy of Purdue University, who leads the five-year, $10 million project The study focuses on Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. The team will conduct research, extension, and modeling in all ... |
Diverse Corn Belt Project Seeks Farmers for Focus Groups and In-Field TestingThe Diverse Corn Belt project—a multidisciplinary project exploring alternative crops, longer rotations, integrating livestock and perennials that could help increase resilience in Midwest agriculture—is seeking farmer input through focus groups and in-field research. The project's 30 partners are exploring diversification at the farm, market and landscape level that can broaden new opportunities for Midwest farmers and rural communities, says Dr. Linda S. Prokopy of Purdue University, who leads the five-year, $10 million project. The study focuses on Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. The team will conduct research, ... |
DNDC WEBINAR ON CTIC's WEBSITEA recorded one-hour webinar on using CTIC data to analyze trends in conservation farming practices across the Corn Belt is available on CTIC's website. The video, recorded as a live webinar last October, includes a discussion of the use of Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) data through the De-Nitrification/De-Composition (DNDC) model, as well as presentations by three users of the data: Ward Smith, Senior Physical Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Steven Rosenzweig, Senior Soil Scientist, General Mills Debbie Reed, Executive Director, Ecosystem Services Market Consortium Bill Salas of Regrow (formerly Dagan, Inc.), a primary developer of DNDC, ... |
Drainage Water Management Online Training: July 7CTIC, in conjunction with U.S. EPA and the Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC), will be hosting a Drainage Water Management Certification webinar on July 7, 2022. The webinar will be a 6-hour interactive online training and certification course on planning drainage water management systems. A total of 5 CEUs will be available for CCAs and PEs. Partial CEUs will be available for completion of session 1, 2, or 3. Upon successful completion of the quiz modules, an ADMC course certificate will be awarded. The course sessions will be led by Dr. Gary Sands, professor and extension engineer at the University of Minnesota. A ... |
FEBRUARY 2021Welcome to Conservation in Action NEWS, CTIC's e-newsletter. We'll share news about the Conservation Technology Information Center as well as stories on how our members and partners are helping farmers put conservation systems into practice. Learn more about CTIC at our website...and if you've got a story to share, please contact us! |
ISDA/PLUS UPCTIC WRAPS UP ISDA BLUE CREEK PROJECT WITH INTERACTIVE TRAINING Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) staff learned how to enroll farmers into Field to Market's FieldPrint Calculator and help growers in the Blue Creek Watershed Project put the tool to use in measuring the environmental impacts of commodity crop production and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. CTIC staff—including Sue Tull, Hans Kok and Callie Cleveland—organized and hosted a virtual, two-hour training session on September 29 on the grower sustainability tools used in the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) Blue Creek project. Though the group ... |
JOIN CTIC OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAY!For four decades, CTIC has brought a remarkable range of people to the table to talk about conservation agriculture. Nowhere else is there such a great opportunity to meet policy makers, agribusiness leaders, farmers, researchers, conservation specialists, crop consultants and others...all drawn together by a mutual interest in conservation technologies that are better for farmers and better for the environment. CTIC is a membership organization, which means your membership—your participation and your dues—keep the doors open. You also give us our momentum, driving us forward on our mission to Connect, Inform and Champion. Your membership ... |
Komp IntroDecember 2021 Conservation in Action News A LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2022 marks CTIC’s 40th anniversary. That’s right, 40 years. Looking back on our previous 40 years through conversations with members and long-time supporters, CTIC has long been at the center of prominent discussions around the most important conservation topics. Over the years, we have worked on many important conservation issues – tillage, soil health, water quality, nutrient loads, cover crops, carbon sequestration, and much, much more. Looking forward to the future, there is one overarching theme that unites where we’ve been with where we are ... |
MembershipMembership Drive: Reach new horizons with CTIC In 2022, the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) celebrated 40 years of Conservation in Action. That's four decades of bringing a wide range of people to the table to advance conservation agriculture...from our early projects promoting no-till to our current programs that help farmers, conservationists, agribusiness professionals, academics and policymakers protect soil health, water quality and the atmosphere.In 2023, CTIC will continue that legacy as the trusted source for data on conservation farming practices, the coordinator of demonstration projects, a builder of local capacity, and a partner in developing high-impact education on conservation ... |
Message from the Executive DirectorHello all, A few weeks ago, Mark Schmidt, past chair with CTIC and a close friend, mentioned that CTIC has always been a consistent and steady voice through the years for conservation promotion and information. We went on to discuss how the packaging for conservation may change—with new phrases, buzzwords, and entities coming to the forefront—but the essence and importance only continue to grow. As CTIC celebrates its 40th anniversary, I’ve reflected on all the people the organization has engaged with over the years to accomplish our mission. The impact an ... |
NARS Resources OnlineIn April, CTIC hosted the 2022 National Aquatic Resources Survey (NARS) National Workshop, a three-day event featuring speakers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, state environmental agencies, and partners from tribes and other entities. Dozens of presentations and breakout sessions are available free on CTIC's website. NARS is a collaborative program between EPA, states and tribes designed to assess the quality of the nation's coastal waters, lakes and reservoirs, rivers and streams, and wetlands using a statistical survey design. The workshop covered topics relevant to all four waterbody types. The program included an address and ... |
NATIONAL RECREATIONAL WATER QUALITY WORKSHOP, APRIL 6-8Working closely with US EPA, CTIC is taking the agency's three-day National Recreational Water Quality Workshop virtual this year. Click here for the agenda. The workshop provides a nationwide forum for recreational water quality managers, stakeholders, researchers and public health officials at all levels to share information and ideas about implementing successful recreational water quality programs. The program will focus on fecal contamination and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Pre-recorded presentations will be available for viewing beginning March 15, 2021 on the CTIC website, and viewers can submit questions through a comment box after each presentation. Live panel discussions April 6 through 8 ... |
NEW EDRyan Heiniger Joins CTIC As New Executive Director CTIC welcomes Ryan Heiniger as its new Executive Director. Heiniger is a fourth-generation Iowa farmer, wildlife biologist, and non-profit leader. CTIC board president Mark White of Syngenta says Heiniger's combination of on-the-ground conservation experience and history of leadership in conservation-oriented organizations made him the perfect choice for the role. "Ryan has put his farm background and deep love for nature to work in a career in conservation," White notes. "He is a skilled organizer, mobilizer, coalition builder and fundraiser. He knows many of our partners. He has implemented ... |
OPTIS CVNOpTIS 2.1—FEATURING 2020 DATA—WILL BE ONLINE FREE BY YEAR-END A new year's worth of remote sensing data on tillage and winter cover crops from the Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) will be available by the end of December, expanding the dataset that extends back to 2005 across the Corn Belt. A powerful, intuitive visualization tool on the CTIC website allows visitors to explore trends in tillage and cover crop adoption through maps and charts while manipulating geography, date range and crop rotation. OpTIS data will be visibe on our interactive portal at the HUC 8 or USDA crop reporting ... |
OpTIS Webinar On-Demand: Do Crop Insurance Programs Discourage Growers from Planting Cover Crops?In a 1-hour webinar available on-demand through CTIC's website, Dr. Roderick Rejesus of North Carolina State University described how he used OpTIS data to explore whether crop insurance programs discourage growers from planting cover crops. The webinar, recorded live on April 29, is part of a six-webinar series coordinated by CTIC over the next two years. The April program also features Soren Rundquist of Regrow Ag and CTIC's Dave Gustafson describing updates in the algorithm and coverage area of OpTIS. The Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze satellite imagery to identify winter ... |
PLUS-UP Program Pays; Ohio Meetings Aug. 22 and 23The Phosphorus Load-Reduction Stimulus (PLUS-UP) Program is paying 10 growers this summer for reducing dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) loads in the Western Lake Erie Basin on 104 fields covering more than 5,300 acres. Payments average $9.12 per acre. The program, which emphasizes the role of no-till and cover crops in reducing the off-farm movement of DRP into surface waters, is detailed in this interactive story map. CTIC and The Andersons will host a 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship meeting in Maumee, Ohio, on August 23. A PLUS-UP stakeholder workshop will be held the following day in Toledo, Ohio. Watch this link for details. With ... |
Registration DeadlineRegistration ends TODAY, September 6th at 1:00pm EDT for the CTIC Conservation in Action Tour. This is your last chance to register for the nation's best conservation agriculture tour. Don't miss your chance to see what St. Louis has to offer and explore the past and future of ag with us! What to expect at this year's Conservation in Action Tour: Monday, September 12th: 6:30-9:30pm CTIC 40th Anniversary Celebration Trolley Room, St. Louis, Forest Park Speakers include: -Rod Snyder, Agriculture Advisor, EPA - Scott Herndon, President of Field to Market - ... |
SWAN SONGA Note From The Interim Executive Director… With this week’s arrival of CTIC’s new Executive Director Ryan Heiniger, I just want to say a huge “THANK YOU!” to the CTIC Board for this second opportunity to serve as Interim ED. I also thank the dedicated staff of CTIC for their help as we’ve successfully navigated these past few months, especially for their help in hosting yet another #BestTourEver in St. Louis, this time combined with the 40th anniversary celebration. With Ryan’s arrival, we’re very excited about the ... |
THIS IS THE PERFECT YEAR TO BE PART OF CTICTHIS IS THE PERFECT YEAR TO BE PART OF CTIC 2022 is the perfect time to join CTIC- join CTIC as a member as we celebrate our 40th anniversary and host our annual tour. https://ctic.org/Membership/Membership_Info YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN CTIC SUPPORTS: • Innovations in tracking the adoption of conservation on the ground...from field-level validation to online surveys to remote sensing • Demonstrations of conservation systems • Education on everything from cover crop establishment to cutting-edge tools and models • Training for farmers, CCAs and retail agronomists, conservation agency staff, federal staffers and more • ... |
WELCOMEHello everyone, The takeaway from 2020 for me has been that we are stronger together than apart. Agriculture, by its necessity, impacts everyone, every day. That means we need everyone around the table to set a course to a future where everyone benefits from conservation. CTIC has been and will continue to be a community where all are welcome, but 2020 demonstrated that it takes work to ensure that everyone is invited. I’m proud of how our team has persevered through 2020. They have engaged with new technologies, trained in critical areas, and maintained and developed new relationships through ... |