SUPERU®, a urea based product, contains urease and denitrification inhibitors within the fertilizer granule.

Koch Agronomic Services created SUPERU® to increase crops’ nitrogen uptake and efficiency.

We  designed this trial  to determine the Most Economical Rate of Nitrogen (MERN) and to compare spring, surface applied urea verses spring applied SUPERU®.

SUPERU® showed the highest agronomic efficiency of all the products compared in our NUE trials.

When surface applied on no-till corn after corn, SUPERU®'s returned $106.00 more than the untreated urea.

Take Home Lessons

  • In this demonstration, SUPERU® improved surface applied nitrogen uptake.
  • Profits from nitrogen application increased by $106.00 with SUPERU®.
  • SUPERU® improved economic yield.
  • SUPERU® showed best agronomic efficiency of all products in trial.