Sequential NLEAP simulations to examine effect of early and late planted winter cover crops on nitrogen dynamics.
In different studies conducted during the last 10 years, underground well water NO3−-N concentrations have been found to exceed drinking water standards of 10 mg NO3−-N L−1 (10 ppm) for some areas of the San Luis Valley of south central Colorado.
<span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:115%;Calibri" ,"sans-serif";times="" new="" roman";times="" roman";"="">Sequential NLEAP simulations to examine effect of early and late planted winter cover crops on nitrogen dynamics.
<span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:115%;Calibri" ,"sans-serif";times="" new="" roman";times="" roman";"="">Sequential NLEAP simulations to examine effect of early and late planted winter cover crops on nitrogen dynamics.