Manure Testing
Sampling and testing manure to determine nutrient content. This promotes proper nutrient application to fields.
How it works
Taking a representative sample from stored manure and sending it to an approved lab for analysis to determine nutrient content is the first step in a manure management system. This data is used to match application rates to plant nutrient needs and soil test data.
How it helps
Manure testing and proper application to the land can reduce crop input costs.
Preventing over-application of manure to crop fields results in improved water quality.
Preventing over-application of manure to crop fields results in improved water quality.
Planning ahead
What form of manure do you plan to apply?
Have you calibrated your spreader to apply the volume of manure called for according to plant needs and nutrient value of manure?
Have you reduced commercial fertilizer use after accounting for nutrients supplied by manure?
Will you hire someone or take manure samples yourself?
Do you plan to take soil samples to help determine how manure can be used most effectively?
Have you allowed sufficient time for the laboratory to process your manure sample and return the results to you?
Have you calibrated your spreader to apply the volume of manure called for according to plant needs and nutrient value of manure?
Have you reduced commercial fertilizer use after accounting for nutrients supplied by manure?
Will you hire someone or take manure samples yourself?
Do you plan to take soil samples to help determine how manure can be used most effectively?
Have you allowed sufficient time for the laboratory to process your manure sample and return the results to you?
Tech notes
Take a representative sample from your storage structure.
Apply manure as soon as possible after receiving analysis data.
Apply manure as soon as possible after receiving analysis data.
Retest manure storage every time storage structure is emptied or after making major changes in livestock feeding or bedding methods.