ADMC received a Conservation Innovation Grant in 2006 to promote and characterize the unique technology of drainage water management (DWM) – the practice of managing water table depths to reduce nutrient transport from tiles during the fallow season or to reduce water deficit stress during the growing season. Considering that no such guidance currently exists, this innovative multi-state project is developing a set of regional recommendations that are necessary to facilitate and encourage the widespread adoption of DWM. Pilot farms are using the latest ""technologies, including satellite-controlled water control structures, to manage the water table under their fields. Through implementation of the project, significant data is obtained to document nutrient savings from DWM, a necessary step in nutrient trading.

CTIC is working closely with ADMC to provide the outreach component of this project. We will transfer information about the benefits of drainage water management through a variety of mechanisms so that agencies and producers are both more aware of and can make informed decisions about drainage water management. CTIC will be developing, maintaining and capitalizing on relationships with ag media to raise awareness, inform and educate about drainage water management and to highlight progress and successes in the demonstration projects.

Funded By

Project Period

December 2007 - May 2010

Project Partner


Project Participants

ADMC received a Conservation Innovation Grant in 2006 to promote and characterize the unique technology of drainage water management (DWM)- the practice of managing water table depths to reduce nutrient transport from tiles during the fallow season or to reduce water deficit stress during the growing season. Considering that no such guidance currently exists, this innovative multi-state project is developing a set of regional recommendations that are necessary to facilitate and encourage the widespread adoption of DWM. Pilot farms are using the latest technologies, including satellite-controlled water control structures, to manage the water table under the fields. Through implementation of the project, significant data is obtained to document nutrient avings from DWM, a necessary step in nutrient trading.


CTIC issued exclusive feature stories about the project, DWM and ADMC to increase coverage of and awareness of this important management tool.

For More Information

Visit the ADMC web site at www.admcoalition.org or contact Karen Scanlon, CTIC executive director, at Tel: 765-494-2238 or Email: scanlon@ctic.org.

Get Involved

Learn more about drainage water management at www.admcoalition.org.