4R Training
PLUS-UP Stakeholder Meeting
Join us at the beautiful Maumee Bay State Park for our Plus-Up Stakeholder Meeting on November 15, 2022 from 11-4pm. A working lunch will be provided by CTIC along with refreshments.
*Times and presentations tentative
11:00 Welcome and introductions (Hans Kok, CTIC)
11:20 Background to Phosphorus issues in WLEB (Laura Johnson, Heidelberg)
11:50 Plus-Up program (Hans Kok)
12:10 Modeling and payment for farmer DRP savings (Judy Smith, Heidelberg)
12:30 Working Lunch
1:00 The Yahara River Wins (Kim Meyer, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District)
2:00 Discussion about Pay-for-performance phosphorous reduction programs
4:00 Adjourn.
4:00 Adjourn.
Please contact kok@ctic.org or cleveland@ctic.org with any questions.