NWCA 2 of 2

Segments 10-17

More insights from Dr. Lenore Vasilas of USDA-NRCS and Gregg Serenbetz of US EPA.

Soil Matrix Color

“Tips on using Munsell Soil Color Charts to accurately identify soil color. Where do you start? Do you move through chroma or hue? It's all here.
Redoxomorphic Features

Differentiating among redoxomorphic features and their origins.
Additional Field Indicators

Masked sand grains, organic bodies and other features, mottles, splotches and more.
Soil Horizon Sampling

Sampling soil from individual horizons takes some finesse. Freshen up on technique here.
Bulk Density Samples

Collecting bulk density samples can present challenges in different soil types.
Sampling with an Auger

If you can't dig to 125 cm or cave-ins are a problem, it may be time for an auger.
Backfilling the Pit

A tidy exit helps your sampling site restore itself promptly.
Packing Soil Isotope Samples

Proper packing and handling of your soil isotope samples makes a difference to batch lab staff.