Ag Consultants Training Videos, Des Moines, March 2019
Click any of the videos below for insight from the Ag Consultants Training in Des Moines, Iowa.
A brief summary of CTIC's Ag Consultants Training at the 2019 Iowa Agribusiness Showcase and Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, featuring Mike Naig (IDALS), Jason Gomes (North Iowa Agronomy Partners), Greg Wandrey (The Nature Conservancy/4Rs Plus), Robert Mier (USDA-NRCS), Keegan Kult (Ag Drainage Management Coalition) and Tim Recker (Iowa Land Improvement Contractors Association).
Welcome: Mike Naig, IDALS
Mike Naig, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, greets crop consultants at CTIC's Ag Consultants Training workshop in Des Moines, Iowa, on March 13, 2019. Naig urged success in voluntary conservation practices to achieve the goals set out in the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and called for a "culture of conservation" among farmers and consultants.
Making Conservation Pay
Jason Gomes, CCA, of North Iowa Agronomy Consultants, digs deep into the challenges crop farmers face as they consider the risks and expenses of conservation practices—and describes the environmental and economic benefits that tip the balance.
4R Plus Courses for CCAs
Greg Wandrey of The Nature Conservancy and 4R Plus describes online training modules crop consultants can take for insight into conservation planning, as well as CEU credits.
In addition to the 4Rs—Right Source, Right Rate, Right Place, Right Time—there's a new "plus": Conservation Practices.
Visit for details.
In addition to the 4Rs—Right Source, Right Rate, Right Place, Right Time—there's a new "plus": Conservation Practices.
Visit for details.
NRCS and Local Conservation Opportunities
Conservation Service describes programs that can help farmers install or adopt conservation systems that can dramatically reduce nutrient loading in surface waters. Funding is available from state and federal programs to encourage the adoption of a wide range of systems.
Conservation Systems for Flat and Tiled Landscapes
Keegan Kult of the Ag Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) details drainage management practices, including bioreactors and saturated buffers, that can help farmers meet nutrient loading goals in the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and other environmental plans.
Conservation Practices for Sloping Landscapes
Farmer and land improvement contractor Tim Recker of Arlington, Iowa, shares his insight on constructed conservation systems that help protect water quality. Tim describes practices on his farm as well as on the demonstration farm owned by the Iowa Land Improvement Contractors Association (LICA).