Tab | Title | Videos |
Session 1 | Risks to Recreation | 5 |
Session 2 | Advances in Monitoring, Approaches and Technology | 8 |
Session 3 | Notification and Risk Communication | 4 |
Session 4 | Restoring Waters to Recreational Use | 8 |
Session 5 | Building Partnerships in Rec. Water Monitoring and Remidation | 7 |
Session 6 | What's Next? Emerging Concerns | 6 |
Risks to Recreation
Integrating Children’s Exposure in Risk Assessment
Helena Solo-Gabriele
Outbreaks Associated with Untreated Recreational Water — United States, 2009-2017
Michele Hlavsa
The One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (OHHABS)
Virginia Roberts
Canine Mortalities in Michigan, Water Exposure
Susan Peters
National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS): Findings and Applications on Algal Toxins and Pathogens
Sarah Lehmann
Advances in Monitoring, Approaches and Technology
Five Years of Enterococci qPCR in Chicago: Research to Practice
Kendall Anderson
Towards a Quantitative Human Fecal Source Identification Recreational Water Quality Management Tool
Orin Shanks
Using Next Generation qPCR to Monitor for Toxic Cyanobacteria
Laura Webb
Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater Effluent Streams Discharging to Urban Coastal Waters
Josh Steele
Derivation of the Equivalent qPCR Value for Escherichia coli to Existing Culture-based Water Quality Standards for Monitoring Beaches in Michigan
Shannon Briggs
Use of Novel Autonomous Technology for Improved Water Quality Monitoring in High Priority Recreational and Shellfish Harvesting Waters
Denene Blackwood
Predictive Models and Fast Detection of Coliphages for a Paradigmatic Improvement in Rapid Assessment of Water Quality
Anicet Blanch
Portable System for Early Detection of Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins
Sarah Bickman
Notification and Risk Communication
Beach Report Card and NowCast: Successes and Challenges of Public Water Quality Notifications
Luke Ginger
Lake Erie Beach Monitoring and Public Notification Database: Beachguard
Jenifer Hassinger
Improving the Communication Strategy for the S.C. Beach Monitoring Program
Lindsey Lachenmyer
Monitoring & Public Notification Program for Harmful Algal Blooms in Recreational Lakes
Matthew Graul
Restoring Waters to Recreational Use
Tracking Land-based Sources of Nutrients and Microbial Contamination in a Pacific Northwest Estuarine Watershed
Amy Zimmer-Faust
Ambient Water Quality Thresholds for Human-associated HF183: Effect of Water Temperature, Aging, and Co-contamination with Gull Feces
Jeff Soller
MERA – an Integrated, Transdisciplinary Study of Water Quality and Human Health at a Tropical Beach
Valerie Harwood
EPA’s New Sanitary Survey App for Marine and Freshwaters
Samantha Fontenelle
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s MST Toolbox in Action
David Whiting
Lessons Learned on Remediation Options for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Recreational Lakes
Becky Tuden
Identifying Septic Pollution Exposure Routes During a Waterborne Norovirus Outbreak -- A New Application for Human-associated Microbial Source Tracking qPCR
Mia Mattioli
Sky Harbor Beach Restoration: Impacts on E. coli Levels Over a Three-Year Period
Cindy Hakala
Building Partnerships in Rec. Water Monitoring and Remedation
Citizen Science at the EPA: Streamlining Water Quality Testing and Future Visions
Jay Benforado
Citizen and Community Evolvement to Make a More Swimmable California
Erick Burres
Utah’s Joint Harmful Algal Bloom and E. coli Recreational Water Quality Advisory Program
Kate Fickas
A Water Quality Standards Perspective on Swimming in An Urban Waterway – The Anacostia River
Ed Dunne
Development of a Multifaceted Statewide Strategy for the Monitoring and Assessment of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms in California
Jayme Smith
Building Partnerships to Enhance Public Health Protection at the Beach Through the Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force
Mara Dias
Integrating Advanced Technologies with Citizen Scientists to Monitor Harmful Algal Blooms in Western Lake Erie
Tim Davis
What's Next? Emerging Concerns
How well do Coliphages Predict the Presence and Concentrations of Human Enteric Viruses in Water and Wastewater?
Mark Sobsey
Risk-based Water Quality Threshold for Coliphage in Surface Waters of Different Temperatures
Alexandria Boehm
Large-scale Patterns of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes and Fecal Indicator Bacteria in United States Rivers and Streams
Scott Keely
Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Southern California Coastal Waters
Rachel Diner
International Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Microbial Communities from Wastewater Treatment Plant Final Effluents and Receiving Environments
Ayella Maile-Moskowitz
EPA’s Development of Recreational Water Criteria for Coliphage
Kaedra Jones