We demonstrate and advocate for conservation agriculture from the field to the halls of government.
CIA Travel
Holiday Inn City Centre
100 W. 8th St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
A group rate has been set for $110++ per night until April 5, 2025.
Reserve online and select nights from May 5-7 to receive our group rate. You can also contact the Reservations Department at 605-339-2000 or toll free at 1-800-HOLIDAY and note that you are attending the Conservation in Action Tour.
The Holiday Inn is in downtown Sioux Falls and is the basis for our optional workshops and Tour. The banquet is just a short walk away from the hotel.
CTIC is leading a new effort to pilot a phosphorus load reduction market in the Western Lake Erie Basin (Maumee, Sandusky, and Cedar-Portage watersheds, see map). Growers within the indicated watersheds are now being sought to
participate in this pilot market.