Who We Are

CTIC connects people from across agriculture and the conservation community to encourage greater adoption of farming systems that are economically and environmentally sustainable. We link farms, universities, government and business in projects that explore and champion conservation agriculture.


CTIC brings people together. We build coalitions. We connect farmers, researchers, policymakers, agribusiness, and lead discussions that move conversations ahead.


CTIC is a clearinghouse for convservation information, from Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) regional trend data to how to implement practices on your farm.


CTIC helps farmers, advisers, and ag retailers tap conservation resources. We promote conservation practices and advocate for policies that make them economically sustainable.

What's New at CTIC

2022-2023 National Cover Crop Survey Report

Findings in the seventh National Cover Crop Survey from CTIC, USDA-NIFA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) yielded new perspectives on planting green and challenged commonly held notions linking land ownership to cover crop adoption. In fact, slightly more cover crop users than non-users reported renting all of their farmland (14% of users vs. 10% of non-users), and non-users were just as likely as cover crop users to own 100% of their farm ground.

Current Projects

CTIC and its partners lead projects at the local, regional, and national level to address agriculture’s pressing conservation needs. Each project includes public and private sector partners, shares information about new technology and tools, and promotes agricultural systems that are both economically viable and environmentally beneficial.

Do You Know

The Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS) has been developed by Applied GeoSolutions and CTIC as a method for the automated use of remote sensing (satellite-based) data to monitor conservation practices in agricultural systems, including various forms of reduced tillage and the planting of winter cover crops.